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This is good to hear because I bought my GTX 460 just to play Skyrim. Though it's still boxed, it would really suck to have wasted so much time and money, and to have to put off playing Skyrim for another month.



Not true. Nvidia cards last a long time. My several year old 8800GT 1GB is still running beautifully, might have something to do with the massive heat dissipation pipes/heat sink but it runs Skyrim flawlessly at Ultra Settings.

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It's a hoax. But in it is a piece of truth.

High overclocking shortens the life of the GPU and CPU. Drastically. It is generally known fact.

Basically, at high temperature and high voltage increases / accelerates the drift motion of the atoms. Then it breaks through somewhere ... It is a statistical matter, the GPU and CPU and memory with very high integration die at high overclocking considerably faster.

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I recently heard a rumor that vampires are real, and since i'm incapable of forming an independant thought i'm gonna go ahead and believe it.


Vampires are real... in Skyrim. :)

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Don't believe in one nutter's conspiracy theories. http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/psyduck.gif
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High overclocking shortens the life of the GPU and CPU. Drastically. It is generally known fact.

Basically, at high temperature and high voltage increases / accelerates the drift motion of the atoms. Then it breaks through somewhere ... It is a statistical matter, the GPU and CPU and memory with very high integration die at high overclocking considerably faster.


yup, it's called electro-migration. Chip designers actually take this effect into account - so even if a card is over-clocked it would take one blazing lot of energy to cause this in the space of a few years.

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I think the originator of this rumor was confusing Nvidia with General Electric or something.


I had to get that dig in on GE.


I remember when they made toasters that lasted a farking near lifetime.


There was a GE toaster that my folks had bought back in the 1950's sometime. It lived a good life

up until about 1980 something when it went tits up, but could have been fixed.


GE don't design stuff like that anymo, for consumer use.

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