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Notifications for quoted posts not working


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I have it set in my preferences to notify me - both via email and on the site itself - whenever someone quotes a post I make. Unfortunately, this does not seem to be working. I have been quoted since I enabled the notification settings but I have not received any notifications via email or the site.


The preferences you're talking of are for the forums side of things, as far as I can tell, while the post you linked to doesn't contain a "quote" of your's in the traditional sense, so technically you were not quoted in this post to begin with, thus you got no notification.


What happened here is someone used the "nested reply" feature on the file sites to reply to your post. This is not the same as quoting you in the forums, which the preference you set is meant for. I fail to see any similar notification setting on the file site preferences, so chances are there is none.


I agree this might be a little confusing, and maybe it'll be fixed/improved in the future, but as of right now I see no technical malfunction with the notification option you set.



For what it's worth "I" quoted you now. So if you receive a notification now, the feature is working as intended. If someone replies on the file sites, it's just not a quote technically, which led to this confusion.

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I have it set in my preferences to notify me - both via email and on the site itself - whenever someone quotes a post I make. Unfortunately, this does not seem to be working. I have been quoted since I enabled the notification settings but I have not received any notifications via email or the site.


The preferences you're talking of are for the forums side of things, as far as I can tell, while the post you linked to doesn't contain a "quote" of your's in the traditional sense, so technically you were not quoted in this post to begin with, thus you got no notification.


What happened here is someone used the "nested reply" feature on the file sites to reply to your post. This is not the same as quoting you in the forums, which the preference you set is meant for. I fail to see any similar notification setting on the file site preferences, so chances are there is none.


I agree this might be a little confusing, and maybe it'll be fixed/improved in the future, but as of right now I see no technical malfunction with the notification option you set.



For what it's worth "I" quoted you now. So if you receive a notification now, the feature is working as intended. If someone replies on the file sites, it's just not a quote technically, which led to this confusion.


Your quote did indeed give me a notification. Thanks for clarifying the functionality of that feature. Is there any way you can think of that would allow me to be notified when someone responds to me in a nested reply like the one I linked above?

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