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Everything posted by Aelius28

  1. The preferences you're talking of are for the forums side of things, as far as I can tell, while the post you linked to doesn't contain a "quote" of your's in the traditional sense, so technically you were not quoted in this post to begin with, thus you got no notification. What happened here is someone used the "nested reply" feature on the file sites to reply to your post. This is not the same as quoting you in the forums, which the preference you set is meant for. I fail to see any similar notification setting on the file site preferences, so chances are there is none. I agree this might be a little confusing, and maybe it'll be fixed/improved in the future, but as of right now I see no technical malfunction with the notification option you set. For what it's worth "I" quoted you now. So if you receive a notification now, the feature is working as intended. If someone replies on the file sites, it's just not a quote technically, which led to this confusion. Your quote did indeed give me a notification. Thanks for clarifying the functionality of that feature. Is there any way you can think of that would allow me to be notified when someone responds to me in a nested reply like the one I linked above?
  2. I have it set in my preferences to notify me - both via email and on the site itself - whenever someone quotes a post I make. Unfortunately, this does not seem to be working. I have been quoted since I enabled the notification settings but I have not received any notifications via email or the site.
  3. To the TL;DR people: just read the last paragraph of this post please. The problem (ranty): The world should not revolve around my character. The entire world in vanilla Skyrim levels up coincidentally with the player. Wolves suddenly go extinct, then an epidemic of bears sweeps the lands, then the bears go extinct and the trolls take their place. This all, conveniently, happens right when I reach just the right level to be able to stand a chance against the new enemies. And the friendly people are no exception. At the start of the game, blacksmiths all across the world are completely oblivious to, or unable to craft, high level equipment. A mere few weeks later, while my character was off doing his own thing, the blacksmiths suddenly learned how to craft better equipment! Wow, what a coincidence, right? Just in time too, because my character needs new trusty high-quality equipment since he is now fighting bandits who, themselves, suddenly learned how to make good equipment over the last mere week (maybe they're in league with those blacksmiths themselves!? Ye gods!) Imagine one of the bandits saying to his bandit friend, "Hey, have you noticed how much more powerful we've gotten just sitting here being lazy and not even fighting anything over the last two weeks? Even our weapons have magically morphed into better quality ones!" and the other bandit replying, "Hmm, yeah, there must be some adventurer on the other side of the province who's been killing some stuff." The first bandit thinks for a few moments and, puzzled, inquires, "...Why is that making us more powerful?" The other bandit shrugs, "Hmm, those are dangerous questions you're asking! Best get back to your work." --------------------- So, I'm looking for a mod that will make it so that enemies and merchants and loot are basically relatively static, meaning that the world is what it is when I'm on the carriage ride to Helgen and the world keeps on staying the way it is in the upcoming weeks and months of the game time, since the world doesn't (and shouldn't) dramatically change everything just because my character happened to have been roaming around for a few weeks. Some areas should have level 5 enemies, some areas should have level 60 enemies, and they should remain that way forever. The level 5 bandits hiding in their dungeons shouldn't magically become 12x more powerful in a few short weeks, all because my character suddenly started to walk around and do stuff. Nor should the level 60 dragons suddenly magically find themselves 12x weaker just because my character hasn't killed enough bears and picked enough locks yet. A mod called PISE caught my eye, but the mod's description seems to say that another mod, ASIS, has taken up the reigns of that task. So I went to the ASIS page and tried to find out if it does the same thing PISE does. I was shocked to find that a mod which overhauls the game's entire fundamental system of enemy difficulty and item availability was described in a single sentence: "Generally tends to be semi-static, with zones given level ranges 20 levels wide (ie, 35-55, 10-30, etc)." Wtf? "Generally" semi-static? How generally? And what does "semi"-static mean exactly? How semi? Which zones were given which level range, roughly? What does the "etc." part mean? Does that mean it goes beyond 55? Does that mean there are other ranges aside from the two mentioned? It's utterly and completely asinine and insane to me that the readme for such a huge change to the game is a single ambiguous sentence. I then found a mod called "Skyrim Scaling Stopper", which does what it says except it limits the enemies to an average level of less than 20, with only 3% of enemies being higher than level 21, and that's only in designated non-"safe" zones. Other zones are even easier. So basically, the game is over by level 30 because it would be stupidly easy no matter where you went and no matter what you fought. I then found a mod (authored by none other than the SkyRe author himself!) called "WTF" which claims to provide the ability to assign "minimum levels to all encounter zones." Hooray! I found the mod I've been looking for, right? Wrong. What the mod description not only fails to mention, but outright LIES about (as the author himself admits to in the comments to his mod,) is that it's still limited by the level limits in game. I'll let the mod author himself admit to lying his pants off (apparently, he doesn't seem to realize this...) - "The numbers affect chosen enemies from an assigned leveled list. If the mine lists contain maximum enemies with level 5, a WTF level of 70 will just mean that the enemies in the mine will always have the maximum level of 5, regardless of when you enter the mine." So, basically, his mod makes it so that enemies can be the same level that they would be in vanilla anyway or even lower level. Those are the only mods I could find that tackle this glaring and fundamental problem in vanilla Skyrim. So, does anyone know of any mods besides "WTF", "ASIS", or "Skyrim Scaling Stopper", that make it so that enemies and merchants and loot don't level up with you? Or does anyone know what exactly that component of ASIS does? Preferably in more detail than a single ambiguous sentence, since the author already provides that. Thanks!
  4. I found out that I can use the TFC console command to free roam with the camera, which allows me to get closer to the distant LOD so I can get a better look at the texture.
  5. Yeah, absolutely, I would never rename any of the files in the archive, just the archive itself for my own organization purposes. Thanks for the help!
  6. I've downloaded 254 archived files (mods) for Skyrim. Don't worry, a heck of a lot of them are just compatibility patches and things like that. Anyway, with such a large amount of files, it's rather difficult to manually find the file I'm looking for. This is especially true because many mod authors don't name their archives exactly as their mod is named. For example, the file for the "Enchantment Effect Replacer" is called "2XRes-1345-1-0". Is it okay to rename these archives to whatever I want? I'm just worried Mod Organizer or BOSS won't recognize the mod if I change it from what the author named it. Thanks.
  7. You misunderstand. I said: "I want the distance at which terrain gets rendered in this low detail to decrease, so that the land gets blurry closer to me." I don't want the non-LOD terrain to be low quality. I want the LOD terrain to be drawn closer.
  8. I'm trying to make comparison screenshots between two different versions of a mod (HD Enhanced Terrain) that enhances the texture of that blurry low-detail distant terrain. Apparently the mod author didn't think it was worth 3 minutes of time to do this himself. The thing is, in order to get a better view of the difference, I want the distance at which terrain gets rendered in this low detail to decrease, so that the land gets blurry closer to me. Unfortunately, I can't find this setting in the .ini files. I've spent the last 15 minutes searching Google for how to change the distance at which terrain becomes blurry and low detail, but I couldn't find it. Before you suggest it: uGridsToLoad doesn't seem to affect ground LOD distance. It only seems to affect things like objects and rocks. fGrassStartFadeDistance affects the 3d grass that sprouts from the ground, not the terrain texture. The fLODFadeOutMult settings affect objects, items, actors, and the sky, not the terrain. And also, it must be possible, because the mod author manages to provide screenshots (not comparison ones, of course,) where the draw distance for distant terrain textures is practically 0, or, right next to him.
  9. I took a look at all of the files in CBBE, and I notice that there are no changes to eyes and no changes to males. If I were to download XCE and delete all body and face textures for females, but keep the male textures and all the eye textures (both male and female eye textures), there should be no issues installing it with CBBE?
  10. Since I never play female characters, which of the two (big or small bodies in BodySlide) will apply to female NPCs? Or do female NPCs have a weight slider of their own that will determine that?
  11. Awesome, thanks. I'm in the process of installing CBBE now with Mod Organizer, but there's something else I'm confused about. In the image previews, there seem to be three bodies, one smaller, one larger, and one even larger, but there doesn't seem to be any way of selecting which of these I want to install. Also, in BodySlide it seems that there are two bodies I need to set, a "Big" and a "Small". What are these? EDIT: One more thing, would you recommend getting the OFP LipMasks file if I use the Official FacePack? I did a Google search for "CBBE" "lipmasks" but couldn't find any answers as to whether this file is more of a "fix" or more of a "preference" sort of thing.
  12. Thank you so much, you're a godsend. I read the FAQ for CBBE, and I found one thing concerning: Q13: Why are there gaps (blank colour at hips) or misplaced textures when I equip vanilla clothing/armour or outfits made for other body mods? A1: Vanilla clothing/armour hasn't been converted to fit to these bodies yet. When you equip the armour/clothes, you're using the vanilla body mesh, with CBBE's textures, and they don't match up. Vanilla armor and clothing replacers are available, although still WIP. Does this mean that all female NPCs will always have gaps and misplaced textures if I don't use the CBBE armor replacer mods? Also, what do you mean by "dirty" bodies/faces? Thanks again!
  13. I've literally spent HOURS trying to figure out the female body mods, so please don't think I'm one of those people that are like "I'll just get someone to spoonfeed me help instead of researching it on my own". I've tried. I've tried and have been driven to utter frustration. I find the documentation and instructions in most of these female body mods to be atrocious, and virtually none of them provide before & after pictures. I'm hoping someone can give me simple advice. Here's what I'm looking for: 1) I will not be playing a female character, so I only care about NPCs. 2) I would prefer a mod with relatively realistic bodies. So, preferably no breast size greater than about C, no unnatural musculature, no exaggerated curvature and proportions, no makeup if possible, etc. 3) I don't want any new skeletons, for compatibility reasons. 4) I don't really care if female bodies don't have the new mod's models when wearing clothes/armor; I doubt I'll even notice. 5) No neck seam There are just so many things out there that are so confusing to me. Just to take one female body mod as an example: -There's UNP's base body or skinny body (which one? no comparison screenshots ffs) -Then there's the update file (is it needed? who knows) -Then there's the optional head textures (better? worse? needed? who knows, no documentation and no comparison screenshots) -Then there are pubic hair textures (needed? what happens if I don't get one of them? is there a default? who knows... no documentation) -Then there are "PDF stacks" (what are these? who knows... no documentation or screenshots) -Then there's the "BASE heavy body" (wtf is this?) -Then the UNP author says to get the Bethesda HD DLC Texture Fix mod, but then you go to that page and THAT author says it's no longer needed because ANOTHER author has already done it, but the link to THAT NEXT author's mod is broken... -Then the UNP author says that NPCs will have neck seams. ALL NPCs? When dressed or only when nude? Is there a fix for this? Why is it not visible in any screenshots? etc. -Then there are UNP Armor conversions (what happens if I use UNP without these armor conversions? will female NPCs then be glitched? Who knows... no documentation) -Then UNP says it's incompatible with XCE (for females only? or for males too? who knows, he doesn't say...), but when you go to the XCE mod page, the XCE author says it's compatible with any body mesh replacer (so, is it compatible or isn't it? If not, is it safe to overwrite? overwrite which way? who knows, no one says...)
  14. Hello, I've searched far and high for a mod that simply reduces or eliminates the "Hollywood-like" sounds associated with combat, but I can't seem to find any. Melee weapons should not make much of a "swoosh" sound when swung through the air, they should not make much of a sound when hitting flesh or lighter armors, bows should not make any significant sound when being drawn, arrows shouldn't make a sound in flight, etc. but it seems that the only combat sounds mods out there are ones that make this problem worse by accentuating the unrealistic vanilla sounds. Is anyone aware of a mod that makes melee combat sound like, well, melee combat? If not, I wonder if it would be difficult to make one? It's rather discouraging and depressing to me that a game with melee combat as its focus not only gets the sounds so wrong but that almost everyone who plays the game doesn't even realize it. Imagine if you loved horses and played a horse video game where 99% of the players of that game genuinely thought that horses make a "moo" sound, and the only mods changing the sounds for this game were mods that accentuated the mooing or even added "roar" sounds or something. Frustrating...
  15. But they will only change shape (back to vanilla) when they are wearing something, right? So, when they aren't wearing anything, they will have the new UNP shape, right? How is that "useless"?
  16. Ohh... so, if I download UNB without any other mods, there won't be any texture/model issues of any sort? I don't need to download this? Since vanilla armor is designed for vanilla bodies, how will vanilla armors work with UNP without the mod I linked? Wouldn't there be a lot of clipping, since the models are all changed and such? Or, when someone equips armor does it simply "replace" the UNB models and use the vanilla models instead, causing the UNB models to only appear when there's no armor equipped?
  17. I've spent the last two hours trying to figure out these nude mods, but they're so complicated. I only play male characters (so I don't care about bodyslider options or any of that crap). Basically, all I want is for male and female bodies (NPCs too) to be nude when all armor is removed, but I don't want to have any issues that require me to download custom armors or mods that change vanilla armors or anything like that. If I understand it correctly, just downloading UNP alone without any other mods will cause problems, though...
  18. I tried Googling them! But every result just uses the acronyms and assumes the viewer already knows what they mean. What is "UNP"?
  19. Edit: the last one in my thread title cut off, it's "TBBP" I'm following the Skyrim Total Enhancement Project guide, and one of the mods it recommends is XP32 Maximum Skeleton. So I went to the mod's page here on Nexus and it says that it "support" [sic] several different mods. The author was kind enough to link to the pages for most of the mods it supports, but he curiously decided not to link to the mod pages for mods which he, for some reason, decided to name with their acronyms and not their full names. One cannot help but think that a mod listed with its abbreviated name would be an even better candidate for hyperlinking to its respective page here on Nexus, but, apparently, you'd be wrong. So, yeah, basically, I'm just wondering what the abbreviations in my thread title refer to so that I can find their page here on Nexus and decide if I want them. I can't determine if I want a particular mod if I don't know what the mod's name is.
  20. Yes, a music section would be perfect, there's at least a few dozen music mods out there, and it's impossible to track them down through 300+ pages. It would also unclog the miscellaneous section.
  21. I'm attempting to download Legion Armour Retexture It does not say my position in the queue, but it says there -99 people in the download queue, that number goes up and down every so often. But nothing has happened for 3 hours since that page has been opened. I use Internet Explorer, and have Windows XP Professional I use Rogers Yahoo Online Protection
  22. We need to split up the Gameplay Effects and Changes.
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