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Elder Scroll used to be a PC game...


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Looks like Oblivion was the last of its kind.. Skyrim's control are definitely not PC friendly.. that makes me think of Dungeon Siege III.. a poor attempt at converting a PC franchise to a console one... FFS, Elder Scroll Arena/daggerfall/morrowind werent playable on a shitty console!! Edited by Ladoslavich
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i can't raise perks >< there seem to be no option for raising it, i try pressing on the perk but it just navigates me through the perk menu, "E" button seems to do nothing either.

in addition to that, how do i examin and rotate items? i saw "c" button let's you see it closer but if i remember correctly you can also rotate the for better visuals, can't seem to work


damn port >< it is such an awesome game so far but those little things drive me crazy

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Well I've got a G-9x mouse, and I think it's fair to call it the "port-buster" for it's shear ability to nullify portitis of the controlular variety-I did notice some major slowdown of my reticle but thanks to the wonders of the G-9x I was able to simply push one button and erase the issues.


The only problem I've had is the slow response-some of the controls for forging are a little off, but it's a small thing, the camera is very unresponsive but that's extremely easy to fix with either options, or adjusting the slide-speed on a G-9 series mouse.

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What's wrong with using a gamepad, like the Xbox 360 controller for example? I used it for F3, F:NV and I used it with xpadder on Oblivion. Both keyboard and mouse and gamepad have their advantages. A mouse is incredibly accurate while a gamepad tends to be user friendly. If you abhore the controls so much, don't play. Or maybe just change the settings.
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What's wrong with using a gamepad, like the Xbox 360 controller for example? I used it for F3, F:NV and I used it with xpadder on Oblivion. Both keyboard and mouse and gamepad have their advantages. A mouse is incredibly accurate while a gamepad tends to be user friendly. If you abhore the controls so much, don't play. Or maybe just change the settings.


The problem with using a gamepad for a PC game is that you forgive and justify poor ports of games to PC - or in this case a poor attempt to serve both systems wich never works for both communities well. Developers tend to save time, money and ressource lately by creating a game wich propably works similar on PC and console. The hamepad for PC has been invented to ease the use of ported console games to PC (couldnt play Tomb Raider on PC with keyboard & mouse myself). So instead creating a game wich uses the advantages of either PC or console is pretty tricky and often fails. You may have a game wich runs good on console but works bad on PC, or you made a cool PC game wich runs terrible for console - I just remember the bad Dragon Age II game. They cut it down until it worked for console too.

I've been never really justified with console games - a few over the last 20 years were fun, but the majority was pure crap (expensive too). PC games may be trickier to code due to the variety of system specs, but on the long-term view they are mostly more satisfying.

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I'd wager a crummy mouse ruins more than just Skyrim. You've got a valiud point about gamepads, but my G-9 fixes the issues aswell-thankfully you have plenty of options.


I agree, I own a G9x and it makes dealing with occasional in game-lag a breeze.

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Been playing since it unlocked. It will take time to wrap my head around the control scheme. I am used to Oblivion [space] to Enter and Exit inventory. The tab button is going to take a tad bit of adjustment. Aside from that, my only complaint is that the mouse point tends to not focus correctly and I either click another menu item than the one that I want or I just seem to click empty space. I am quite sure that a patch or mods will take care of that.
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