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Ban a malware maker before it spreads.


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Is capable or not? How to be sure? Nobody knows now (but him) and that is a brilliant moves.


I just posted confirmation from DDProductions83 himself that he can't (or won't) make malware that can brick a console. Unless he is lying about that too. For now, I'll just take it as him trolling for the sake of trolling. He likes the reactions it gets, and we all react how he wants us too. He has other posts on Reddit indicating he has no intentions of leaving harmful malware in any of his mods and never has. Making his previous statements nothing but hot air.


Taking all of this into consideration, unless I'm provided evidence that suggests otherwise, I don't deem his as a threat to anyone anymore. He just likes to make a lot of noise, so it's best everyone just ignore it. No need to complain or speculate about him. Time to move on.

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He's not released anything that can brick a console, not told anyone how it's done or at any point indicated that he will so what's the problem? if anything he's raised awareness of a potential disaster waiting to happen.


I've learned that he has no capability of bricking consoles, he was just being a troll. He made a post on Reddit saying he just turned off the power strip the console was using (thus, he essentially shut the console off). He didn't brick anything, he just wanted people to think he did to get a reaction. He likes to bait people.







DD is more famous for lies than Todd "See that mountain, you can climb it" Howardd though. Honestly I ignore anything he says and only listen to his actions at this point.

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Regardless of the morality of DDP's actions - this is not the proper format to report a member. Posts like this on the forums invites inflammatory debate and generally tars the poster with an equally unfavorable brush imnsho.


Next time you seriously think something is ban worthy please use the proper channels. There's a button on the bottom right of every member's profile to use in order to report them for review, click it and type out your reasons link your evidence and the staff will review the case when they can. If they decide to action your report, you'll see a ban or warning notice eventually, if you don't see either than please consider your evidence too flimsy to be actionable and quietly move on.

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