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Removable mods without bench


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All in the title. I'd just like to be able to remove or attach pre-existing mods from my inventory onto a gun without having to use a bench. Seriously, how hard is it to unscrew a suppressor or to change optics in the field? It'd be a nice addition to the game for someone who spends most of it outside of a settlement.

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Eh, that part was always annoying. Considering adding some mods comes with downsides, such as range, I'd still like to be able to remove them too. (This would be doubly important if someone ever mods in durability for individual weapon parts)

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That toolkit mod is probably far more realistic than just hot swapping. While I'm not big into guns IRL I'm pretty sure changing optics is more than just a matter of "sliding" the new sight onto a tac rail.

It is, and it isn't. Unless you've zeroed the sight in before, then yes, it definitely is more.


Otherwise, it's just a matter of remembering which rail section you had the optic on, and cranking it back into place.

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