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destiny124 - BANNED

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destiny124 banned.

Reason for the ban
a) Insulting both a mod author and another Nexus user in a mod comment topic and acting like an entitled brat




i would like this mod added to xbox1 if it does not get added i will be talking to the mod authors that you worked with that said it was ok for you to use their mods to help make yours and i will tell them that no matter how nicely i asked you would not share and to revoke you using their content to make yours and then they can contact nexus managers and your mod will be deleted i would prefer you share the mod and that it does not get deleted but if it is not added with in a month i will be taking to them and asking them to revoke you using their content as i said and they can contact nexus and it will become a big content legal battle and i don't think you want that i don't want that i just want consoles to be able to use your mod so please share it with us ps i have been asking nicely for 2 months now and you have ignored me i would hate to have to talk to the other mod authors that helped you create this mod with their content and about you not shearing your content when they shared theirs with you and can take it away from you if they think your selfish but if you keep ignoring me i will.


the work of an a**hole who wont share with console!


it can be done it was done and this self centered ass had it taken down because he refuses to share it f***ing prick


no we have been asking and he is ignoreing someone added it then it got taken down because he had it taken down the guy is a f***ing a**hole who only cares about the pc master race if i am wrong prove it and add it yourself other wise im right and you are a f***ing a**hole

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