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Skyrim complete PC crashes


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First of all, I want to apologize for my english, isn't my native language.

And also say thank you for sharing everything


Yeah, got the same problem here in my notebook (C2D T6500 2.10GHz, 4GB, ATI 4650, W7 x64).

First game I wasn't able to run, of course some had been in low settings, but still running.


the strangest of things has happened to me today. this could be a possible fix for ATI users!


so i downloaded a d3d9.dll file from one of the posts in here - i cannot remember which one. i had put it in my skyrim folder and played only to see my game crash just like it always had. today, however, i tried something different: i launched the skyrim launcher via the radeonpro application. straight away, the message came up that my settings were configured for ultra high. this struck me a bit odd, since my last detection was set to high. i ran the game and was able to play for an entire hour on a brand new save. i've even got mods running and have edited the ini files to tweak my settings.


what i noticed in the skyrimprefs file is what may have allowed me to play (and note that i didn't crash during the hour that i played for). i'm running an ATI 6850, but found sD3DDevice="NVIDIA Geforce 8800 GS" in the ini. i have a feeling that this was due to the d3d9.dll file in my skyrim folder. could some of these issues stem simply from a string of text? i will play some more and hopefully continue on crash free.


pastebins for anyone who wants to go over my settings:




Tried this fix below, and a lot others, but still crashing.


if you could, please try again with the following guide and a new, clean set of ini files (lower the settings a notch using the launcher, since you will get a higher predefined set than your computer may be able to handle).


ATI Users! Please Read!

google search for radeonpro, download and install - nvidia users note that this is for ATI cards. you will have to fiddle around with whatever the tweaking program is for nvidia cards.


the following has enabled play on my computer after crashes that stopped me from getting any further than helgen's dragon attack.


my specs:

AMD 955BE @ 3.2GHz

ATI HD6850 @ 800MHz Core & 1100MHz Memory - Catalyst 11.11

8GB Kingston HyperX Blu @ 1600MHz

Coolermaster 650W PSU

that's the important stuff


1 - open radeonpro and add a new entry, pointing the program to your tesv.exe


2 - follow these settings (you may have to turn some off if the game slows down)


the following settings are fine on my machine. if you experience low frame rates or texture popping, turn down some settings or disable some options. ymmv.





STEAM USERS NOTE: launch using radeonpro - NOT STEAM




3 - download the d3d9.dll file i had in my directory and place it into yours

MegaUpload link


4 - backup and remove skyrim.ini and skyrimprefs.ini


5 - launch the game using radeonpro


6 - report back here with your findings!


i sincerely hope that this works for at least one other person. i've been excited as all hell to be able to play - even if there are some performance hits sometimes.



To me

it workssssssssss


Thanks I love youuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!



I did a little test but I crash after 5 minutes. Now have passed 30 minutes and have not crashed!!!!

I hope it is completely fixed now. I have to play hours to be able to say.


I have questions:


1)before the latest patch, I could play with ultra settings,Redeonpro calculates average setting,

I can put high or ultra?


2)How many hours have you played?


3)I can put the old save or mods?


You can post this solution in the Bwethesda forum? many others like me can be helped


Thanks again for your help!!!

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as much as it annoys and saddens me, my game has crashed once again. after a total of roughly 20 hours with the possible ATI card fix i posted earlier, i left whiterun and mounted my trusty steed. before the horse even turned around my screens went black and the looping sound began.


i'm hoping that this will be something of a rarity from this point on. for the game to run so well for such a short amount of time would be disappointing. i will keep you guys updated when i continue my efforts tomorrow.





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Guys, only post "IT WORKS" if you play more than just couple of hours without crash. Given the random nature of the crash, it can take minutes or hours for crash to occur. I've been able to play for straight 5 hours, just to crash after 5 mins the next day.


You can not fix all black screen.

Because the cause is not only one.


Obviously, we cant have a definitive solution,

Bethesda can only put the final solution (maybe).


But I'm playing for three hours and I did not crash,

First always crash after 3 minutes of clock.

I can also put ultra setting.


However, it works (for me)


work does not mean to be fixed

Edited by TaygaGirl
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First of all, I want to apologize for my english, isn't my native language.

And also say thank you for sharing everything


Yeah, got the same problem here in my notebook (C2D T6500 2.10GHz, 4GB, ATI 4650, W7 x64).

First game I wasn't able to run, of course some had been in low settings, but still running.


the strangest of things has happened to me today. this could be a possible fix for ATI users!


so i downloaded a d3d9.dll file from one of the posts in here - i cannot remember which one. i had put it in my skyrim folder and played only to see my game crash just like it always had. today, however, i tried something different: i launched the skyrim launcher via the radeonpro application. straight away, the message came up that my settings were configured for ultra high. this struck me a bit odd, since my last detection was set to high. i ran the game and was able to play for an entire hour on a brand new save. i've even got mods running and have edited the ini files to tweak my settings.


what i noticed in the skyrimprefs file is what may have allowed me to play (and note that i didn't crash during the hour that i played for). i'm running an ATI 6850, but found sD3DDevice="NVIDIA Geforce 8800 GS" in the ini. i have a feeling that this was due to the d3d9.dll file in my skyrim folder. could some of these issues stem simply from a string of text? i will play some more and hopefully continue on crash free.


pastebins for anyone who wants to go over my settings:




Tried this fix below, and a lot others, but still crashing.


if you could, please try again with the following guide and a new, clean set of ini files (lower the settings a notch using the launcher, since you will get a higher predefined set than your computer may be able to handle).


ATI Users! Please Read!

google search for radeonpro, download and install - nvidia users note that this is for ATI cards. you will have to fiddle around with whatever the tweaking program is for nvidia cards.


the following has enabled play on my computer after crashes that stopped me from getting any further than helgen's dragon attack.


my specs:

AMD 955BE @ 3.2GHz

ATI HD6850 @ 800MHz Core & 1100MHz Memory - Catalyst 11.11

8GB Kingston HyperX Blu @ 1600MHz

Coolermaster 650W PSU

that's the important stuff


1 - open radeonpro and add a new entry, pointing the program to your tesv.exe


2 - follow these settings (you may have to turn some off if the game slows down)


the following settings are fine on my machine. if you experience low frame rates or texture popping, turn down some settings or disable some options. ymmv.





STEAM USERS NOTE: launch using radeonpro - NOT STEAM




3 - download the d3d9.dll file i had in my directory and place it into yours

MegaUpload link


4 - backup and remove skyrim.ini and skyrimprefs.ini


5 - launch the game using radeonpro


6 - report back here with your findings!


i sincerely hope that this works for at least one other person. i've been excited as all hell to be able to play - even if there are some performance hits sometimes.


First of all thanks for sharing your findings.


I have a question though about step 4: backup and remove skyrim.ini and skyrimprefs.ini

The game or the launcher won't start if those files are not present. (Says no .ini is present when I try this).


I'm doing something wrong?

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As I previously mentioned, has anyone had any freezes outside of Skyrim, when playing other games recently? I've noticed that the instability has spread to other games as well. I am now experiencing the exact same type of crash in all 3D games I play.

Reply would be appreciated.

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Thank you for all the help, worked really fine in those exactly settings above.


So, for the record my steps were:


1 - All the process discussed until the begining (none of them worked)

2 - Underclock GPU to 520 mhz and memory clock to 670 mhz (using the program called GPUTOOL) - I didn't test this step isolated, you know, fearing for the safety of the hardware being shut down every single change I made, so I don't know if this helped, please some expert tell us. I just did this because one friend with the same notebook than mine told me to, and I was really desperate for a fix

3 - Followed the RadeonPro step by step from dreigner

4 - Used the GameBooster recommended some posts ago

5 - Enjoyed about 4 or 5 hours playing. I just gave a little stop to come here tell you it worked


Now I really hope that it's a permanent fix, and sucess for all who still whit this issue.




And my hopes weren't answered... :(


After a happy sunday of non stopped Skyrim, it crashed today while I used that "Scrolls power", what made a lot of effects on the screen.

I thought it was result of those effects, so I started to play again and when I was leaving Riverwood after delivering the Golden Claw it crashed again, really sad!

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Did not work for me :wallbash::(


did you miss/skip anything in the instructions? especially with the d3d9.dll and removing existing skyrim.ini and skyrimprefs.ini? with the two settings files still there, the game will continue to use the instruction set for the graphics card that it detected BEFORE placing the d3d9.dll in your skyrim folder (same folder as your TESV.exe is in).


if anyone doesn't know where the skyrim.ini/skyrimprefs.ini files are:

open your documents folder

navigate to "my games"

navigate to "skyrim"


your saves will also be there.


i am glad to hear that others are experiencing possible steady gameplay using the instructions i provided. i really hope that this is only a semi-permanent fix (bethesda need to fix the problem instead of relying on the work of others), and that we won't have to worry about stuff like this over the coming months.


also, could everyone using the instructions please let me know what game version they're using and whether it's a steam/retail/cracked copy. if steam users are having problems with this then i may be able to work something out.


i, for one, am using a cracked copy of 1.1.


I'm using 1.2. As for that dll file, does it go in the file with the saves and .inis or the main Skyrim file with the .exe? I put it where the .exe is.

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well, after fixing my card's overheating problem (Developed after Skyrim's release) the game ran stable for approximately 5 hours using the ATI .dll file replacement technique and then crashed again going up the mountain to the greybeards. Weird and stupid.
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