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Skyrim complete PC crashes


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In my case, the reboots stopped almost entirely when installing new video drivers. There's just one particular instance when it always happens. It's the temple where you go to with Delphine and Esbern. Never could finish that part of the game without a reboot. Edited by abaris
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This game doesn't deserve the ratings. Gameplay is nice, design is even great but no voice for the own hero, animations are poor, textures ugly as hell and from the technical point of view it's a total desaster. How is it possible to release a game in such a state? This game needed month but it seems it just had to come out this year, so the pockets can be filled with the money from the christmas sales.


Skyrim could be unbelievable great but it's far from it, since it was released to early.

Every minute a crash to desktop is inexcusable.

Its not that it was released early. There are very few problems with the xbox and ps3 versions. Thing is that most PC games require beta testing (doesn't need to be like MMOs or diablo3, they could release beta tests to a small number of people). Bethseda doesn't do beta testing, I mean, sure they do their own internal beta testing, but that doesn't fix all the issues. The number of systems they test Skyrim on are infinitesimal compared to the number of system configurations that were tested at launch. At release skyrim PC version was plagued with crash to desktop and system crashes. This doesn't appear to be happening to most of the people, but its happening to us. If Bethseda had a beta test for skyrim, 99% of these issues wouldn't be happening.


Bethesda had to know of the issues. There are numbers of people with problems in a percentage from at least 50% and that doesn't even include the problems of the game itself. The textures are unbelievable bad and they have real errors. The matrix which is fixed by "no more blocky faces" isn't just a bad texture it is an open mistake. Then we have the jumping/sliding characters which happens from the very start of the game. I.e. I came to the village, talked to the wood hacking woman and another NPC came, hacking would through her. Some of the console issues are from Fallout and New Vegas and now appear AGAIN. Yes, Bethesda may don't have all the configurations but the whole thing is so big or "in your face" that any quality department must have seen it. And even design flaws like the interface were critized by game magazines month ago and what did Bethesda do? Nothing.


It is sad, because Skyrim is the first game from Bethesda that finally manages to appeal to me. I have Morrowind, Oblivion, Fallout 3 but none could really grab me. Skyrim finally does and now I can't play it. As a student I don't have much time for gaming but the few moments I have I wanted to spent in the winter wonderland of the Elder Scrolls. Now I can't and that's because Bethesda is doing bad, sloppy or at least very slow work. There are many things that could be improved besides of the technical issues. From character creation over the feeling that you're more sliding instead of walking and climbing, to poor animations and a lack of character development and a cineastic few. But the most important thing in the world for a game is, that it's playable. Skyrim isn't and that's a shame looking at the sales.

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Well I tried the atiumdag.dll solution posted earlier in this thread. So far it actually seems like it may have worked. Currently on hour 7 without a crash which is a new record for me, although the crashes are so random it'll be impossible to tell for sure until a few days have gone by without one. I'll keep this post updated and let people know if it crashes again.


dont do it


sitting there playing it while waiting for the crash is horrible.


almost cost me a keyb and table ;)


everytime you enter an area shout at the screen "go on ya bastid..crash !"

it feels better if it does crash.

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Well... My fault. :whistling:

I always had black screen crash when opening the map.

Turns out that I've overclocked my VGA too much. Lowering the frequencies fixed the problem (fingers crossed). Strange thing, the game was absolutely stable except when accessing the map. Who knows.

Edited by Zazza
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Well I tried the atiumdag.dll solution posted earlier in this thread. So far it actually seems like it may have worked. Currently on hour 7 without a crash which is a new record for me, although the crashes are so random it'll be impossible to tell for sure until a few days have gone by without one. I'll keep this post updated and let people know if it crashes again.


dont do it


sitting there playing it while waiting for the crash is horrible.


almost cost me a keyb and table ;)


everytime you enter an area shout at the screen "go on ya bastid..crash !"

it feels better if it does crash.


Hahaha I've been doing exactly that all day


So here's the update: 12 straight hours of playing and not one crash, I even left Skyrim running while I was in class just so I could say I didn't exit once. So again, because these crashes are so random 12 hours doesn't necessarily mean it's fixed. HOWEVER I've never come even close to 5 straight hours, let alone 12 so I'm feeling pretty hopeful at this point. I'll update again tomorrow - or if it crashes tonight.

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This game doesn't deserve the ratings. Gameplay is nice, design is even great but no voice for the own hero, animations are poor, textures ugly as hell and from the technical point of view it's a total desaster. How is it possible to release a game in such a state? This game needed month but it seems it just had to come out this year, so the pockets can be filled with the money from the christmas sales.


Skyrim could be unbelievable great but it's far from it, since it was released to early.

Every minute a crash to desktop is inexcusable.

Its not that it was released early. There are very few problems with the xbox and ps3 versions. Thing is that most PC games require beta testing (doesn't need to be like MMOs or diablo3, they could release beta tests to a small number of people). Bethseda doesn't do beta testing, I mean, sure they do their own internal beta testing, but that doesn't fix all the issues. The number of systems they test Skyrim on are infinitesimal compared to the number of system configurations that were tested at launch. At release skyrim PC version was plagued with crash to desktop and system crashes. This doesn't appear to be happening to most of the people, but its happening to us. If Bethseda had a beta test for skyrim, 99% of these issues wouldn't be happening.


Bethesda had to know of the issues. There are numbers of people with problems in a percentage from at least 50% and that doesn't even include the problems of the game itself. The textures are unbelievable bad and they have real errors. The matrix which is fixed by "no more blocky faces" isn't just a bad texture it is an open mistake. Then we have the jumping/sliding characters which happens from the very start of the game. I.e. I came to the village, talked to the wood hacking woman and another NPC came, hacking would through her. Some of the console issues are from Fallout and New Vegas and now appear AGAIN. Yes, Bethesda may don't have all the configurations but the whole thing is so big or "in your face" that any quality department must have seen it. And even design flaws like the interface were critized by game magazines month ago and what did Bethesda do? Nothing.


It is sad, because Skyrim is the first game from Bethesda that finally manages to appeal to me. I have Morrowind, Oblivion, Fallout 3 but none could really grab me. Skyrim finally does and now I can't play it. As a student I don't have much time for gaming but the few moments I have I wanted to spent in the winter wonderland of the Elder Scrolls. Now I can't and that's because Bethesda is doing bad, sloppy or at least very slow work. There are many things that could be improved besides of the technical issues. From character creation over the feeling that you're more sliding instead of walking and climbing, to poor animations and a lack of character development and a cineastic few. But the most important thing in the world for a game is, that it's playable. Skyrim isn't and that's a shame looking at the sales.

I think I worded my post quite poorly. I didn't mean to say that they didn't release early, its quite obvious they did(the blocky faces you mentioned are a perfect example). I meant to say that the crashes (both crash to desktop and hard system resets) are from the lack of beta testing, not from being released early. My hard resets happen quite often, in fact I only have 5 hours played on steam and 3 of those hours are me just trying to get past the opening scene where your on a carriage with the other people. If they had known about the hard resets being this bad, they would've fixed it, it would've had nothing to do with releasing early. My best bet is they tested the game on a handful of PCs, tested it on xbox, and on PS3 and got a green light on all of them and called it a "night" so to speak.

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What exactly have you done? Only the atiumdag thing? Did you have any of the patches on? What about the ENB AntiFREEZE fix?

Cause I tried the atiumdag thing, without the antifreeze and with patch 1.2 and it didn't work... AND I got annoying blocky flames, have you got that too?

Thx for the help!


Well I tried the atiumdag.dll solution posted earlier in this thread. So far it actually seems like it may have worked. Currently on hour 7 without a crash which is a new record for me, although the crashes are so random it'll be impossible to tell for sure until a few days have gone by without one. I'll keep this post updated and let people know if it crashes again.


dont do it


sitting there playing it while waiting for the crash is horrible.


almost cost me a keyb and table ;)


everytime you enter an area shout at the screen "go on ya bastid..crash !"

it feels better if it does crash.


Hahaha I've been doing exactly that all day


So here's the update: 12 straight hours of playing and not one crash, I even left Skyrim running while I was in class just so I could say I didn't exit once. So again, because these crashes are so random 12 hours doesn't necessarily mean it's fixed. HOWEVER I've never come even close to 5 straight hours, let alone 12 so I'm feeling pretty hopeful at this point. I'll update again tomorrow - or if it crashes tonight.

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What exactly have you done? Only the atiumdag thing? Did you have any of the patches on? What about the ENB AntiFREEZE fix?

Cause I tried the atiumdag thing, without the antifreeze and with patch 1.2 and it didn't work... AND I got annoying blocky flames, have you got that too?

Thx for the help!


Well I tried the atiumdag.dll solution posted earlier in this thread. So far it actually seems like it may have worked. Currently on hour 7 without a crash which is a new record for me, although the crashes are so random it'll be impossible to tell for sure until a few days have gone by without one. I'll keep this post updated and let people know if it crashes again.


dont do it


sitting there playing it while waiting for the crash is horrible.


almost cost me a keyb and table ;)


everytime you enter an area shout at the screen "go on ya bastid..crash !"

it feels better if it does crash.


Hahaha I've been doing exactly that all day


So here's the update: 12 straight hours of playing and not one crash, I even left Skyrim running while I was in class just so I could say I didn't exit once. So again, because these crashes are so random 12 hours doesn't necessarily mean it's fixed. HOWEVER I've never come even close to 5 straight hours, let alone 12 so I'm feeling pretty hopeful at this point. I'll update again tomorrow - or if it crashes tonight.


heres the horrible info you probably dont wanna know...but


after weeks of testing and reading others cures and problems i came to a conclusion that they dont work for all,but in some sort of mixture they do work for lots.


you just have to either keep trying with mix and mash or wait for the modders.


i fixed mine by buying a cheap nvidia card,and then got the best look by using DNA ini maker.

but as said this method didnt work for others.


ps..just remember EVEN after you fix the major crashing,the games still a total mess of bugs and glitches.


look at the horizon..thats a herd of modders waiting to charge at the game and save it for all ;)

Edited by AJ Rimmer Bsc.Ssc.
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I uninstalled the game, got some windows updates and them installed it again, unpatched... and now I'm having issues with the map that I never had before. =) This really made my day.

It's over a month now and nobody's come across a real fix for this, or at least gotten close to the reason this is happening... and for the few hours I played it, it was the best game I've ever played =(

Guess I'm just gonna have to let it go for now, come back in a month and see if they've managed to fix this by then.

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