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Mods continuously active...


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I recently disabled my mods in order to acquire the trophies for Far Harbour. This worked for a while, but now for some reason my save games ALWAYS say MODS ACTIVE even though I have disabled them, deleted them (using the in-game menu) and re-saved to no avail. I even tried re-installing the entire game and yet they still read as modded. I only have the DLC installed and the vanilla game. What is going on?


I really do NOT want to have to start a new game. Any thoughts?


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I think thats a new "feature" from bethesda to prevent you from cheating with the archivements. I'm pretty sure its not easy to "untag" a savegame to not-modded. You may have to check some savegame-editing tools.

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If you are on PC there is a mod for that. Phone posting so I can't really link right now but if I remember correctly it's simply called achievements. Some people claim that the latest f4se has that built in but I can't verify that right now.
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Thanks all,

I think I've worked out the problem - I briefly loaded the unofficial patch at some point to bypass a problem with the Dima's Memory mission, then unloaded it afterwards. I think that your save game is permanently labelled as modded even if you only briefly use one. I looked back at my older saves and returned to a point just before then, and the game is not shown as modded so I re-started from there. Lost about 5 hours but I suppose it could have been worse, and I found some cool stuff I missed first time round (the power armour at the Vim factory for a start).


I'm not sure the achievements mod has been updated to include the DLC yet - didn't want to risk it.


Thanks again

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