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Hardcore Mode


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^I agree. Maybe if health regen is removed/reduced, food cooking potency can be increased so we actually WANT to cook and carry meals with us?

I like codyyrichardson's idea of a weather mod (http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/462449-intense-weather-request/), maybe with something like that, there can be health risks associated with being exposed to the elements for too long? i.e. blizzard rolls in, so you seek shelter in a cave to avoid the worst of it. If you want to be brave, then you need to wear a cloak or furs to handle the harsher weather...stuff like that maybe. *shrug* just an idea.

Edited by Kairo29
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I'm not sure health regen has much to do with wanting to cook and carry meals. Just makes cooked meals fill the hunger 'bar' more quickly. You can remove health regen if you want, or, maybe we could make it so you have to be at a certain level of fullness before the health regen occurs. As in, if you're going hungry, your health will no longer regenerate.
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I would pay $$$ for a mod like this in Skyrim , I really hope the team of Fallout Wanderers Edition and Project Nevada have something under the table for this game , they are amazing people and work really hard on mods
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I had an idea about combining some type of hardcore mode and realism mod.


Eat, Drink, Sleep are necessary for survival.

Temperature affects the body as well. You would need to stop and set up camp fire if you become too cold to continue on.

Higher elevations have effects on stamina, to simulate thinner, less oxygenated air.


Ingredients, both already present ones and any new ones created would have additional attributes attached to them in regards to their effect on the body. Such as, each ingredient would have attributes like amount of Protein, Carbs, Vitamins, Minerals, total Calories for example. It matters what you eat...if you are deficient in vitamins/minerals then it would have adverse effects on your thinking(brain), thus, your Magicka would suffer maybe. If you haven't had any protein in a long time, your strength would suffer. Low caloric intake would decrease stamina because of lower energy levels.


Just an idea.

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That's nice, and I've tried something similar in Fallout, but in my opinion, after some time, it's tedious, I'd prefer a simple version (hunger, thirst, sleep). But that temperature thing sounds awesome and very realistic (this is Skyrim, after all. It's supposed to be very cold)
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I'm not sure health regen has much to do with wanting to cook and carry meals. Just makes cooked meals fill the hunger 'bar' more quickly. You can remove health regen if you want, or, maybe we could make it so you have to be at a certain level of fullness before the health regen occurs. As in, if you're going hungry, your health will no longer regenerate.


I think I like that idea. If the hunger bar is 75%+ filled there is a bit of health regen. That or no health regen at all would be fine for me, honestly. It'd make decisions more serious either way. Nice.

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