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Mounted Combat


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I have not got that far in the game to find out if this would soon be possible or unlocked BUT........


I would like a mod that enables me to engage in combat while mounted on my horse,

Might it be it be Magic, Range or Melee, Its annoying how i get attacked while mounted and i have to waste 2 seconds of my life Dis-Mounting to fight back,

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It is quite frankly mindboggling how Bethesda could completely neglect this, again. It is ridiculous for any game so centered around combat that you still can't do something as simple as draw your sword atop a horse. What's the hangup? Surely the budget was big enough for it this time?


It seems to me that the only reason they still can't do this is because they're still clinging on to the rotting corpse of Gamebryo. There can be no other explanation that makes sense; technical limitation is the only logical reason, and it's a damn poor excuse for a game released in 2011.

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