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Does OOO Crash upon start up for anyone?


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As the topic says...Every time I install OOO (Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul), it crashes Oblivion before it can even show the Bethesda logo. I've no idea why...I'm using OBMM, and uninstalled ALL of my other mods, and it still happened so there's no conflicts...I even have an Archive Invalidation tool (ACV) that I used right before trying OOO, so that's not what's wrong either...


I tried it using the Lite version and the Full version...it always crashes. My Oblivion is fully up to date (Shivering Isles and all), I'm using the latest version of OBSE (0.13), and no matter what I do, OOO just does -not- want to work...


My computer isn't necessarily top of the line, but it plays Oblivion easily on medium settings, and only a little fps lag on the higher settings, so that shouldn't be the problem as well.


Does anyone else have this problem? And if so, did you find a way to get it to work?



(Also, if this is the wrong section, my apologies..I'm new to this forum.)

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