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Can someone make a mod for XB1 that lets me do stuff with garages, carports, roads, paths, sloped paths, sloped roads, stackable posts & columns, posts & columns that snap to the bottom of a floor, etc? Please? And maybe I'll thank you...


where i shouldve posted was at bethesda under their mod request section, thank you for the assistance by the nice person who told me where to go.

Edited by Wvink
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Thank you for making all console players look like greedy demanding assholes. We needed this right now. There's a proper way to ask for things, and it usually involves displaying a little more gratitude and a little less entitlement.
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Wow, already two people who could've just said, wrong post wrong area, but no. And the maybe I'll thank you was being facetiously used. If anyone went to the effort of even 1 of the items I asked for, of course I'd thank the modders. Let me guess that you're one of those who steal mods, ideas, and probably jailbreaking your s#*! whilst thinking downloading s#*! others own without paying is cool. Man, dude, next time time just shut up.
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Really? Because what you just described is the exact impression your first post gave. Hence the replies you received. Run in to 1 person who doesn't like what you said, maybe they're an asshole. Run into multiple people who don't like what you said, problems probably on your end. Edited by Skozi
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yea i know, i just didnt expect to get bitched at and told im a ahole just because i am asking for something i can not find, and i thought would be cool for the Xbox 1. the only roads i can craft so far for the xbox 1 are the sanctuary roads because of an awesome modder in the past who uploaded a crafting mod that let me do that. all these mods are awesome, and its the first game on the xbox 1 that has mod capability like this. that is freakin cool, and people who put effort into porting a mod for xbox 1 without even owning one? dude, the time and worry they must have to put up. im nothing but impressed. as for waiting for an author to realease it, i how do i even know if someone has decided to make these ideas yet? shouldnt i ask? o wait, i did....

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