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Playable Dragon race request


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Interesting designs there, Chester. Well worth a look.


While I, too, prefer the more feral form of dragons, in Oblivion modding I had little other choice back then. Real feral, yet still playable, custom races weren't possible to create until very recently, and even now they're not quite 100% possible, yet. Thus I had to call my race Anthro-Dragons just so people stopped complaining. Now that I finally can do the real deal, a playable feral race, I got no free time anymore to even finish the basics.


With Skyrim things are different, as you have a complete and working feral dragon race already (well, some would call it Wyvern, as they have no forelegs, but Skyrim calls'em dragons, so choose your preference) and only need to make it playable. But I know nothing about the inner workings of this game other than what it took over from Oblivion and Morrowind perhaps, so who am I telling? This thread is primarily about getting the existing race, the Dovah, playable. Whether this makes the game or the main quest unplayable as a Dovah or not is besides the main point, yet not quite without any value to the discussion. Mentioning the multiple ideas to go about making it playable again, whether it be by hybrid forms or shape shifting into humans or whatever, I think is still a valid input to this discussion.


There could be something similar to what you depicted done in the Path Of The Dovah project, claiming to also make the Dovah a playable race, while keeping it in line with the rest of the game, but I don't know much about what they're doing and got only a signature image to judge.


However, I personally would never dare calling some else's ideas and suggestions "silly" or go into a heated discussion about the validity and value of hybrid ideas and designs till down to directly insulting their creators. Last time I checked personal attacks on site members was a bannable offense, even without a warning. So please don't let it get too personal in here.


And yes, a Western dragon with hind legs, fore legs and wings, will likely take its time to be created. Not only does it require new body meshes and a skeleton to be made (I've seen this done on multiple occasions already), but also does it require a "complete" set of animations to be remade or made from scratch, as there simply is no 6-limbed armature with existing animations in the game as far as I could see. Can one even do custom animations already for Skyrim? And custom skeletons? It's a hell of a lot of work in Oblivion at least, where I already have all I need to do all this, and it'd likely take me a year or two to finish still, even if I had the time I need right now.


Oh well, but that's off-topic. As is myself posting in the Skyrim section to begin with, but... nevermind.

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or go into a heated discussion about the validity and value of hybrid ideas and designs till down to directly insulting their creators. Last time I checked personal attacks on site members was a bannable offense, even without a warning. So please don't let it get too personal in here.


I did neither of these things, please read posts before you accuse people of things.

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I did neither of these things, please read posts before you accuse people of things.

I never accuse anybody of anything. I apologize if you thought this was aimed at you. The part with the "silly" was, but the other stuff is when you go a few pages back, then you will see the heated discussions and name calling. :ermm:

edit: Nope, no name calling either, don't know where I got that from. But they were pretty close.


edit2: Why is it these days I always quickly get the feeling to regret having opened my mouth? What am I even doing in here? Oblivion is my place, not Skyrim. How dare I interfering here, if I don't even have the game?

I swear my bad mood these days will get me into trouble soon, if I don't stop it. It'd be better I stay away for a while. Don't have anything valuable to add to the discussion anymore anyways. Now you got the CK and the real fun is starting, you get all information about the tools first-hand whereas I can only tell stories from how things were in Oblivion... pretty much useless now. Been gone too far already. I'm off.

Edited by DrakeTheDragon
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Oy, good to see that my project was mentioned. While Path of the Dovah hasn't gotten any new news, that is mainly because it has been combined with the Dragonborn Legacy project to create an entire story that is dependent on the player's decisions. The Path of the Dovah project is a part of it as the good path, alongside the second part, Order Rising, both which explains the lore behind the dragons and the world before the First Age. Its slow, but we are getting to work on it already, with the first chapter of the Dragonborn Legacy already in the works. I am still figuring out how Path would go, but rest assured, it will be done one way or another. And you'll meet some lovable characters along the way, like the dragon Dwiinfenaak.

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I'm just trying to find a way to make Dragons fully playable before going into complex story ideas. A story for playing as a Dragon will go to complete waste if a way to properly play as a Dragon is never found.


Yes, I had went into first person first this time. Do you consistently get success when you try flying in first person, no matter what the location? I'll have to keep trying.


Yes, I get success no matter where I am. I have tested in several places, Ivarstead, Lost Tongue Overlook, Whiterun's plains. All with complete success with both taking off and landing. Something to note, is that I made a quick mod that switches the Player to the exact same stats, characteristics and Actor Base of a Dragon before I found out about this. But I disabled my mod to see if this was possible just using "Player.setrace Dragon" and "Player.pa 3b4e3". Perhaps Skyrim crapped out and didn't uninstall it properly?

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Anyway, I've found out something quite interesting! I don't think this has been mentioned before, if it has, then nevermind.


While in game, I use the normal "Player.setrace dragon" command. Then I use the command to start flying, "player.pa 3b4e3", normally this will crash your game or leave you hovering in mid-air, but I've found a way to actually get a step further. If you use the start-flying command while in first person, you will stay in place and actually switch to the flying animation in the same place without getting stuck!


You can then zoom back out into third person without any crashes and move about freely. Your character will even make the wing flapping animations and turn animations when you move your mouse! Just a warning, you go super fast so you can end up loading several areas all at once if you go too fast. Unfortunately you can't actually stay in the air, you just fall normally, but don't take any fall damage. I checked with the console commands and it says I'm not flying, so that could be the cause.


I can also use the TCL command to fly back up into the air very easily, it's worth a try. I've taken screenshots of myself using these commands, you can look at them all here: http://imageshack.us/g/684/screenshot9s.png/


If anyone else has anything to share on getting Dragons flyable I'd be glad to hear it.


That is awesome to know! I'm trying it out right now and I'll take note of the different scripts happening.

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Okay so I tried out what Vaktus mentioned, failed a few times then once I got the hang of it, succeeded every time. The one thing I noticed though was that the dragon never flapped its wings. I speculate that player.pa 3b4e3 translates directly into player -> play animation no. 242915. This means that the dragon isn't really flying but merely playing the flight soaring animation and due to Havok's physics system and Bethesda's multi-mesh fusing, the dragon can appear to have fluttering wings and the dragon can react to directions. What amazes me the most is that Beth already adjusted the directional animations to fit with the mouse as well as pre-defined flight paths.
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Sorry for the double post, but looking at the image I was in shock.


Could do something from Dark Souls and sorry for the bad quality



Looking at the similarities between that model and my sig image is astoundingly close and I didn't even know that existed. All I did was mash together a bunch of skyrim dragon images in gimp. Perhaps I could take a close look at that model and get something working for TBL's shout.

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