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Skyrim closes w/no error or CTD


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During the first 35 hours of playtime I had not one instantclose without trace.

Today I had 3, all after clicking fast travel.

The funny thing is, the autosave from fasttravel still manages to create, so I lose 0 progress, only restart time.

Dvd Version on 4year old computer running high settings.

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Same here.

Having 1-2 crashes to desktop an hour.

I even had a bsod.


Never had any issues with any game before, so i first suspected my gfx card was dying, but I just did a 30 min FurMark x-treme test and everything is fine.

My card is peaking 70°C in skyrim, and FurMark it reached 86°C.


Have been running with Ultra config and FXAA, steady 45-60 FPS @1680x1050


Win7 64. GeForce GTX285. AsusP5Q-Pro, [email protected] 6GB PC2-8500 RAM

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I've got the memory patch and I'm running a 64 bit os. Generally, Skyrim will play well, but will CTD for no apparent reason.


This doesn't happen too often, but it's not a major issue for me because I use the Skyrim incremental saver and press f5 a lot.

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Just had it happen to me right after i fast traveled really annoying on my new system built with this very game in mind and i am running it maxed out at 1680 X 1050 Resolution!!! Just like it always did to me with oblivion!! See my specs in my sig! Edited by Veritech100
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I have had this happen 4 times in about 20 hours (twice in 12hrs straight) every time it was because of steam, with random advertising and messages popping up in game. I have turned off every message option I can find, it hasn't happened since.
You may want to run a virus scan, Steam does not pop up ads during games.


Not exactly... though it does pop up as soon as a game closes (immediately) after initially running Steam.


4gb patch fixed it for me!


Not me :(


I've got the memory patch and I'm running a 64 bit os. Generally, Skyrim will play well, but will CTD for no apparent reason.This doesn't happen too often, but it's not a major issue for me because I use the Skyrim incremental saver and press f5 a lot.


Mine is NOT at random. It's happened only when going through an archway, or coming up on a 'new' portion of a hallway or area. Basically, it seems like as soon as you cross into a new... I dont know... navmeshed (maybe) area, it crashes for me.



Bonechill Cavern, when moving into the top portion of the little hallway that leads off from the main cavern you enter in to.

DB Sanctuary, on fire, I wasnt allowed to move into the room positioned to the left of the 'Map and Dagger' table. At all. Tried four times. CTD in the exact same spot every time.

Solitude Docks, Eastern Company, when following the argonian for the thieves guild. Twice when moving into one of the Bandit areas in the cavern.


I get it. It's still new. However, Bethesda has been around for a while. Literally all of their games from Morrowind up to Skyrim, have had this exact same problem. To include the Fallout games.

I can adapt to most situations. But this is starting to get real old.


EDIT: Just validated the cache file in Steam. Steam identified an 18.2m portion that wasnt validated, then downloaded it. Lets see if it worked.

EDIT: Nope. This is more than aggravating. Seven crashes in 20 minutes. Same area (Bonechill).

Edited by amullinix
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im 89% :thumbsup: sure I found my issue with constant ctd'ing with no warning after the solution (or solutions) ive played uninterrupted for hours


1) Nvidia users control panel 3d settings > adjust image settings > let 3d app decide



This is practically the only thing ive done that was made a concrete difference, hope it helps u guys it certainly did me


Also since doing this I havent notice any (purple things) but the occasional low texture bug


feel free to reproduce and repost this info


If it doesnt help you, i'll try and help with cross referencing settings


p.s. im also using the Large Address Aware app but I did experience 1 final ctd before I applied the 3d setting change.



also 1st post hawwo

Edited by pipboy85
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I bought the game from Steam yesterday. I have been having it do this as well. Every once and a while (give or take 10min - 2hrs). Staring to bother me. Fallout 3 used to do this to me on my old rig.

If it helps I'm running.

Intel I7

dual Radeon 6970's cross-fired

12gigs ddr3 (can't remember the hrtz sorry)

Win 7 64bit sp2

Though I have a triple screen setup I'm only running it on one as the menus are quite difficult to read lol. (As soon as I figure out how to fix that I will as it does look really cool at 5760X1080)

so 1920x1080 res

I have tried messing about with the shadows settings ( I thought that worked for a bit but alas no :( Hence why I writing this and not playing lol)

I'll keep looking around for a fix. If I find one I'll post it.





What did you do to work crossfire with eyefinity together?? Because here i have 2x HD5830 and 3monitors, but i have to choose, play with 2x video card but 1 monitor or 3x monitors and 1 vide card...if i play any game with crossfire on and eyefinity on too, always have lag problems in all games worms~Skyrim (sorry for bad english)...

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