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Skyrim's Lulziest


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I was talking to my wife/companion hroki in a cave, handing her some items to carry, and somehow we triggered a trap where boulders fall from the ceiling while not moving at all. A big rock falls on her head and she yells ahhh! and does that animation that essential followers do where they fall down for awhile. A one hit KO. It was so unexpected like a random pie in the face in a comedy, I couldnt stop laughing.
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I was talking to my wife/companion hroki in a cave, handing her some items to carry, and somehow we triggered a trap where boulders fall from the ceiling while not moving at all. A big rock falls on her head and she yells ahhh! and does that animation that essential followers do where they fall down for awhile. A one hit KO. It was so unexpected like a random pie in the face in a comedy, I couldnt stop laughing.


If you marry Hroki, will she greet you and say things to you? I know you have to marry her via the command console. Also, will she move to Breezehome if you ask her to?


Man, I'm waiting for a polygamy mod. XD

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