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OK, I had another CTD after 10 minutits in the wild near dustman's cave. The performance monitor told me, that at the moment of the crash the used Vram was fairly high but still just below average...The RAM was very low and the memory blocks where not even close to their limits.


So, before I start uninstalling every mod and trying it out without any other mod which would not help me much if the cause for my issue is indeed a mod conflict, as well as trying out each combination of mods that are possibly conflicting always rushing though the whole intro and wandering the wilds waiting for a possible crash to show up , which would take years or maybe decades, is there an easier way of finding out what exactly was causing the crash?


Because if not I might as well just have to uninstall it and never come back, even though I was looking forward to play Skyrim for the last five years as soon as I'd have a time off from work, which is now.




Thanks in advance

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First thing is when you are creating a mod list. ALWAYS test after every few mods. Particularly heavy textures or mods adding content to the game.


Installing 50 mods at once leads to issues and then you have NO idea when or where the problem started.


Also you are using a lot of mods that spawn creatures and NPC's which also commonly cause CTD's as well as a few mods that are just questionable to use now period like UFO.


Follow a good stability guide for skyrim and start from scratch.


One last thing to keep in mind......even doing everything right you will STILL get the occasional CTD. Dont let anyone fool you their game DOES crash.


Its when your crashing multiple times in an hour when you need to reevaluate your setup.


But always always test test test as you go. Yes its more time consuming but it will save you from things like this. and only use SAFE recommended mods. Google this.


For reference i MIGHT crash once every few hours sometimes i can go for 10 + hours crash free. But my setup is very clean with zero questionable mods and light on scripts. All masters cleaned and texture and memory optimization. Load order properly sorted.


I also get almost NO stutter and fps is locked at 55...because i cap it.


Mod watch in sig isnt current. I redo my setup a lot......because i have a modding addiction and cant help myself lol.

Edited by ironbender800
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@Reynard 131: Thanks for your answer


I have SSME enabled which does the same as the SKSE memory settings.

I tried the SKSE settings with


as gopher suggested but it did't do anything and the game would crash when it reached 256 in the first block or 128 in the second block. So I deleted them and installed SSME instead which worked. I tried it out and pushed the memory as far as possible by creating about 350 whiterun guards in Whiterun via console.

And when the game crashes the memory is usually not even close to it's limits. It just randomely appears, mostly when I'm outside and sometimes when I'm in the crafting menus.

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@Ironbender 300:


Thanks for the tips,


i did two testruns after every mod I installed (one with an existing save and one starting a new game until I reached Whiterun) and I only installed mods that where recommendet by either brodual or gopher. I read all the descriptions and followed the installation instructions, or if the mod was more complicated to install I watched a tutorial exacty following the given directions. I watched out for possible incompatibilities.


The thing is that I probably should have done a longer testrun on each mod as the CTD's occur in the wilds randomely and I did not expierience them while I was testing.


I installed UFO because brodual recommendet it as the best follower mod in his top 10. I read about it being replaced by the follower framework mod on the steam network. But steam also said that it shouldn't cause any serious issues. The last CTD was while I was traveling alone without ever having spoken to a follower. You think It's best to replace it?


I got rid of SKYtest and OBIS. So that the only mods left that are adding new creatures are Immersive creatures and Deadly Dragons as well as populated lands roads and paths, immersive patrols, and incosequential npc's for adding NPC's. Do you think they are not going well together?


I did follow Gophers guides on installing mods that increase stability and performance even though I can't run the game in windowed mode as I get a strange diagonal line dividing the screen when I try to do so.

I started from scratch four times by now, getting somewhat proficient and exhausted.


It's unfortunate that the game keeps crashing even when you get everything right.(which I don't claim for myself) when I tried a playthrough it left me somewhat paranoid, especially because it kept crashing while I was quicksaving, which led me to manually save every couple of minuits. That kind of drains all the fun out of the game... ...


Thank you for your time

Edited by sunwukay
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Brodual doesnt recommend mods he showcases them. Its up to you the user to make your own decision and do some research. Most people making threads like this one dont listen and havent researched. They install a bunch of crap get crashes and then want others to help them fix their mess.


I can show people like you all the best information and you still dont listen...OMG i installed all this stuff and now my game wont work..HELP!!!


I got rid of SKYtest and OBIS. So that the only mods left that are adding new creatures are Immersive creatures and Deadly Dragons as well as populated lands roads and paths, immersive patrols, and incosequential npc's for adding NPC's. Do you think they are not going well together?


Like i said spawning a ton of npcs can lead to issues.


The information has been presented to you man. Its up to you to use it....or enjoy lots of ctds.

Edited by ironbender800
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I am sorry it I offendet you in some way sir. But I definetely don't enjoy being bitched upon just because I was asking for help.


All I tried to do was providing all the information about the issues I have and about what I've been doing in order to get rid of them or to avoid them, as mentioned in the "How to ask for help"-section. And I tried to poind out that I was not just recklessly installing a "bunch of crap" into my load order without thinking of it or testing it.


Alright then I have 85 mods installed right now. one third of them in order to enhance game mechanics, the look or the performance, one third of them in order to enhance immersion, one third of them in order to add new content or some fun stuff to the game.

I have tested all of them. They all work but I get random crashes which did not occur while I was testing and if so I uninstalled the mod I was currently testing and started the whole process from scratch again, beginning with uninstalling skyrim and all mods, so that no bad scripts or anything like that would stay in my load order unnoticed.



I've looked through your two guide links and especially the wiki.step-pro...link does seem to tweak and add a lot of things that until now I never dared touching.



Just for orientation, what, in your opinion, would be a reasonable amount of mods to have in your load order?



Thanks anyway








Oh and concerning this post of you in the "How to ask for Help"-section



Amazes me how it seems like so many people do NO research on their own before making posts. Like you said most can be answered with a simple google search. Games been out almost 5 years.

Here are some GREAT resources i use in addition to whats already been posted.






Learned how to use Mod Organizer and to setup Perkus Maximus from this guy

Those of course are great recources. And some of them I had already been through as I was trying to modify skyrim without having the usual Bethesda issues.

And pretty much all "How to solve certain problems"- guides, as awesome and helpful as they are, keep telling me that my random CTD's occur because of Memory issues or bad recource management.

But I have already taken the steps they know of in order to solve memory and recource issues and to prevent crashes.

That is why I am here at this forum, asking for help as a LAST attempt to solve my problem AFTER my research did not give me the answers that lets me solve my problem.

Anyway, getting rid of these NPC mods might actually do something for me and that I am grateful for. So I'll try uninstalling them even though I adore them.

So Thank you

Edited by sunwukay
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I am sorry it I offendet you in some way sir. But I definetely don't enjoy being bitched upon just because I was asking for help.


All I tried to do was providing all the information about the issues I have and about what I've been doing in order to get rid of them or to avoid them, as mentioned in the "How to ask for help"-section. And I tried to poind out that I was not just recklessly installing a "bunch of crap" into my load order without thinking of it or testing it.


Alright then I have 85 mods installed right now. one third of them in order to enhance game mechanics, the look or the performance, one third of them in order to enhance immersion, one third of them in order to add new content or some fun stuff to the game.

I have tested all of them. They all work but I get random crashes which did not occur while I was testing and if so I uninstalled the mod I was currently testing and started the whole process from scratch again, beginning with uninstalling skyrim and all mods, so that no bad scripts or anything like that would stay in my load order unnoticed.



I've looked through your two guide links and especially the wiki.step-pro...link does seem to tweak and add a lot of things that until now I never dared touching.



Just for orientation, what, in your opinion, would be a reasonable amount of mods to have in your load order?



Thanks anyway








Oh and concerning this post of you in the "How to ask for Help"-section



Amazes me how it seems like so many people do NO research on their own before making posts. Like you said most can be answered with a simple google search. Games been out almost 5 years.

Here are some GREAT resources i use in addition to whats already been posted.






Learned how to use Mod Organizer and to setup Perkus Maximus from this guy

Those of course are great recources. And some of them I had already been through as I was trying to modify skyrim without having the usual Bethesda issues.

And pretty much all "How to solve certain problems"- guides, as awesome and helpful as they are, keep telling me that my random CTD's occur because of Memory issues or bad recource management.

But I have already taken the steps they know of in order to solve memory and recource issues and to prevent crashes.

That is why I am here at this forum, asking for help as a LAST attempt to solve my problem AFTER my research did not give me the answers that lets me solve my problem.

Anyway, getting rid of these NPC mods might actually do something for me and that I am grateful for. So I'll try uninstalling them even though I adore them.

So Thank you


Good use em.

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I am sorry it I offendet you in some way sir. But I definetely don't enjoy being bitched upon just because I was asking for help.


All I tried to do was providing all the information about the issues I have and about what I've been doing in order to get rid of them or to avoid them, as mentioned in the "How to ask for help"-section. And I tried to poind out that I was not just recklessly installing a "bunch of crap" into my load order without thinking of it or testing it.


Alright then I have 85 mods installed right now. one third of them in order to enhance game mechanics, the look or the performance, one third of them in order to enhance immersion, one third of them in order to add new content or some fun stuff to the game.

I have tested all of them. They all work but I get random crashes which did not occur while I was testing and if so I uninstalled the mod I was currently testing and started the whole process from scratch again, beginning with uninstalling skyrim and all mods, so that no bad scripts or anything like that would stay in my load order unnoticed.



I've looked through your two guide links and especially the wiki.step-pro...link does seem to tweak and add a lot of things that until now I never dared touching.



Just for orientation, what, in your opinion, would be a reasonable amount of mods to have in your load order?



Thanks anyway








Oh and concerning this post of you in the "How to ask for Help"-section



Amazes me how it seems like so many people do NO research on their own before making posts. Like you said most can be answered with a simple google search. Games been out almost 5 years.

Here are some GREAT resources i use in addition to whats already been posted.






Learned how to use Mod Organizer and to setup Perkus Maximus from this guy

Those of course are great recources. And some of them I had already been through as I was trying to modify skyrim without having the usual Bethesda issues.

And pretty much all "How to solve certain problems"- guides, as awesome and helpful as they are, keep telling me that my random CTD's occur because of Memory issues or bad recource management.

But I have already taken the steps they know of in order to solve memory and recource issues and to prevent crashes.

That is why I am here at this forum, asking for help as a LAST attempt to solve my problem AFTER my research did not give me the answers that lets me solve my problem.

Anyway, getting rid of these NPC mods might actually do something for me and that I am grateful for. So I'll try uninstalling them even though I adore them.

So Thank you


Good use em.




I understand your frustration with all the self-help information available that is not taken seriously.


The issue that he has here is that he has half assed implementation of an old mod SSME that is obsolescent.


So he has a half assed implementation of Shesons patch.


And is not willing to take ownership by looking at the guides, and following them verbatim.


It sounds like a crowd sourced mod list.


The crashes are happening because of the condition that I identified, and it being in conflict with the other memory allocation measures.


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