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No fullscreen OR saves


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Ok my game won't load in fullscreen when I try to play it. I've tried changing the Skyrimpref.ini.....I;ve tried changing my screen resolution (which has come the closest to fixing it).....I've tried changing resolutions in the game auto-run, I;ve tried everything I know of and have researched exstensively for an answer. Next, my saves won't...well f***ing save!! I quit the game cuz I think I have a resolution idea, but when I restart the game I have to make a new game each time and I am starting to get INSANELY f***ing PISSED.
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Hello Ghost, here we are midnight suffering the same problem, at first i was simply relieved to see others were suffering a smilar problem as i.


Well, i'll sum up my problem and it might help you


I was unable to permanently change the options for the game, any time i undid windowed mode or changed resolutions, after i clicked okay and opened the options window again, it'd just revert to before.


The solution, i had copied the steam folder from my older laptop that i installed everything on, to the new one i ordered, and i forgot to transfer the preferences info from Mydocuments/My Games/Skyrim Without that folder it keeps the game from saving long term changes i imagine. I noticed the difference between the two laptops when i had the launcher open, the "Data Files" option was not highlighted.


Is this any help?

any relation to my problem? did you move something or of the like?


I literally just fixed this all a minute ago.

Edited by Goldspinner192
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  • 9 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Same problem.


Don't you just love it when someone posts a reply without reading the whole situation?


Cyclone - we have tried changing the prefs.ini. If you can contribute a different solution that will work, you'll make a few of us very happy.

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This might be of some help. If you are running an ENB of some sorts you need to find the pref ini file for that mod. In there, there will be a setting for the screen size posted by pixel. Like 1600x1050. You need to make sure that the size in the ENB is set with your screen size. In the ini file, it might look something like this :

float2 fvTexelSize = float2(1.0 / 1600.0, 1.0 / 1050.0); <----- Make sure you only change the part for your screen and leave the rest.


I hope this helps out.

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