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So, I talked my gf into killing a chicken which was all fun and games, but she did not have a save near that spot.....now everyone wants to kill her and we have no clue how to yield. So is the game screwed or is it possible to yield and pay off whatever fine there is?
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I had the bright idea to wack a stupid chicken in that starter village.


Bad idea.

Pissed off 3 nearby town folk. 2 of the women came running up to stab miy character to death.


I didn't hit them, ran away.

They chased me all the way back nearly to the starting zone where some OTHER guards that had

been NO WHERE near the chicken incident some mile or 2 back, decided to fill my character with arrows.




I think I'd like a mod to fix it so one stupid accidental hit on a damn chicken does not mean they all come running with intent to kill.


In the meantime, yah, learn to save more often to avoid boo boos turning into rage events and wailing of woe.


One thing this game needs, though it isnt' as bad as Oblivion was, is a check of some sort on accidental pick ups of red items. Like a 'You sure you

want to pick that up? CLick yes to steal. "


Sigh. Least there is far less of that sort of red crap laying around.

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I would like to see a mod that instead of attacking you, the owner - or some NPC demands you pay for the chicken. THEN, if you refuse, attacking. Killing you for murdering a chicken is absurd, While killing you for refusing to pay for the chicken, which would be a form of theft, actually makes medieval sense. :psyduck:
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