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Skyrim is Very Disappointing, A Major Let-Down.

David Brasher

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If you are about to go buy Skyrim for the PC, you better think twice. Having played the game, I would venture to say that it won't perform satisfactorily on fully half of the PCs that people in this forum own. If you buy it, and your computer can't handle it, you will just be wasting your money.


My computer is an above-average general-purpose computer. First I used the default graphics settings that the game picked out for me by scanning my hardware. It chose "medium" settings. The load times were terrible. Like 5 or 10 minutes to load the game. The lag was so terrible that the controls would hardly function. I could push a button and the computer might not notice. The framerate was atrocious. Like 3 frames per second or something. I could hardly stand to look at the screen.


I turned the graphics settings to "low." It was better, but so laggy and jerky and unresponsive that I didn't enjoy playing.


So then I went into advanced settings and turned everything to the lowest possible low. The game is almost playable now. The graphics are absolutely terrible. They look sort of like Morrowind graphics but maybe not as good. The framerate is still annoyingly low and the controls are not responsive enough. I think I am ready to give it up and not play Skyrim on this machine.


Just because your computer can play Oblivion fine, you should not expect to be able to play Skyrim.


So if you want Skyrim on PC, you better have an awesome gaming computer or a bunch of ready money to spend on buying or building one.


You would probably be safest to just buy Skyrim for the XBox360 or PS3.

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Lmao, there is no way this game looks worse than morrowind on low settings, I can do a comparison if you want?


I had the exact same experience as yu with Skyrim, and to a lesser extent when F:NV came out, Beth obviously arn't very god at optimizing there games for PC so I was kind of expecting this.


This time next month either Beth will have patched the game, AMD and NVidia will have released new drivers and the community will have released a host of performance patches and mods. As I said the game was unplayable for me too at first but after some googling I've significantly improved it. I'm sure you'll be playing, and loving, Skyrim before you know it!


The 2 main things causing problems for me was that Catalyst Control Centre wasn't installed properly on this machien and Skyrim's v-sync was causing mouse problems. I sorted them out and have seen a massive improvement when combined with a few other tweaks.


Yes it is annoying yes Beth should give there loyal pc fans more support but let's not throw our toys out of the pram just yet.

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How are you guys patching and tweaking and researching a game that has been available for less than 24 hours? In the town where I live, nobody was allowed to buy Skyrim until 11-11-11.


Why does a brand new game that has been on the market for less than 24 hours need a patch already? Is that to say that it was clearly broken from day one, and Bethesda already knew this before releasing the game?

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In support of David's comments, I posted a thread 6 months ago about having to go out and spend £750 to a £1000 on a PC that would push Skyrim along! I remember getting a lot of why would Bethesda do this and that to put themselves out of business? type replies. Well those gentlemen who responded so, welcome to reality! I think this is also an opportunity for me to say, "I adore Bethesda and it's games they produce, I am a life long fan!" But they produce their games on monster PC's, the likes we tinkers and tailors will never see in a lifetime. I also doubt that they created their games on a windows based OS, the very reason why millions of people threw their PC's on a rubbish dump and bought a Sony playstation instead! Oh well, keep trying anyway, Zapata935
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I see what your saying, but I don't feel it makes Skyrim a let down. Its simple logic, the next game in the elder scrolls series is always going to be better looking and bigger than its predecessor. The game is so laggy due to the improvements, without improvements it would just be oblivion with a different storyline. Eventually technology will have to upgrade to run it. Should have been expected
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When it comes to computers, the sad reality is that they do not last particularly long at all. What was brand new 6 months ago is bad today; that's just the way it goes. Now it may be true that Bethesda could've optomized it better, but you cannot judge a game simply because you cannot play it. Just wait a few months, as someone said, and there'll be patches and updates and what-not. Should that really be necessary? Well, no, but noone is perfect and I can imagine optimizing a game like this for several different consoles AND the PC isn't a particularly easy job.
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I can imagine optimizing a game like this for several different consoles AND the PC isn't a particularly easy job.

since these processes are independent

(you write for the spectrum, you optimize individually)


there is no excuse

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If you are about to go buy Skyrim for the PC, you better think twice. Having played the game, I would venture to say that it won't perform satisfactorily on fully half of the PCs that people in this forum own. If you buy it, and your computer can't handle it, you will just be wasting your money.


My computer is an above-average general-purpose computer. First I used the default graphics settings that the game picked out for me by scanning my hardware. It chose "medium" settings. The load times were terrible. Like 5 or 10 minutes to load the game. The lag was so terrible that the controls would hardly function. I could push a button and the computer might not notice. The framerate was atrocious. Like 3 frames per second or something. I could hardly stand to look at the screen.


I turned the graphics settings to "low." It was better, but so laggy and jerky and unresponsive that I didn't enjoy playing.


So then I went into advanced settings and turned everything to the lowest possible low. The game is almost playable now. The graphics are absolutely terrible. They look sort of like Morrowind graphics but maybe not as good. The framerate is still annoyingly low and the controls are not responsive enough. I think I am ready to give it up and not play Skyrim on this machine.


Just because your computer can play Oblivion fine, you should not expect to be able to play Skyrim.


So if you want Skyrim on PC, you better have an awesome gaming computer or a bunch of ready money to spend on buying or building one.


You would probably be safest to just buy Skyrim for the XBox360 or PS3.


Seriously? I'm running a 2.4 quad core with 4 gigs of ram and 2 130$ hd5750s on almost ultra settings just fine, my rig was piecemealed together for just under 750bucks clearly you sir are a troll. Do not buy this game for anything other than PC I have been running the game almost non stop for 3 days and have no issues what so ever.

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