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1st person kill moves only


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Personally, I really love kill moves. The third person kill moves are ok, but RP wise, it would make more sense for them all to be first person, instead of only occasionally.

I'm not sure how 3rd person moves would look if someone tried to convert them into 1st person. They may look crappy, and could possibly need significant modding to look good.

But, if that's the case, I'd personally be happy with the few first person kill moves that are already there, if you're even able to remove all the third person ones and leave the 1st person.


If someone does make this mod, you'll have the gratitude of many persona rping fans, I'm sure (:




(I posted this in the wrong board first time, so I apologize)

Edited by kneph
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There are already first person moves in the game, for each weapon type at least as many as there are 3d person moves.


How do I know this? I play in 3d person and I keep having 1st person executes, I want to get rid of what you want to have.


I posted a topic on the forum asking for a mod to allow people to pick which type of move-view they want, hopefully somebody can look into this matter.

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