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Character Creator at any time


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For those who either get bored with their current look and/or want to change anything and/or everything about their character's appearance, maybe even race. Either make it an item usable at any time, a visitable barber shop somewhere or a magic mirror like the one from DA2. Edited by umut
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Thanks, wasn't aware of that command. However, I'd still like to see a mod for this, because visiting a barber or using a magic mirror provides more immersion. A barber for hair, tatoos, eyeliners etc and a mirror for other characteristics that aren't changeable through conventional means.


Edit: If you use the showrace command, it will negate race specific active effects, so it's not a feasible way of doing it.

Edited by umut
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  • 2 months later...

a barber shop would make sense to me, as would the growing of your hair or your beard over the course of a week or so...

(imagine having a month old beard or a scalp that was waist long:D)

so, if you would want to keep looking the way you looked at the start of the game,

you need to visit a barber shop regurarly (for 10 gold?).

and if you want to change your looks (female players would probably like this) you want to go to a barber.


a barber can change your hair colour(dye), and hair style(trim), but a barber can't add hair to your scalp or chin =D

a barber can only trim your hair if you have it (sorry baldies) and only trim your beard/moustache if you have one.

a barber can change the war paint on your face.


as a side note, having your looks changed may affect gameplay :

it may lift a bounty from your head, or help you to infiltrate, if you are unrecognizable :D

would be neat IMHO

Edited by channel0
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Well, the barber idea is great.


What I'd like to see is something akin to the plastic surgeon in Fallout 3. But more like...a Dremora who is trapped in our world and when you find him, you find out he can alter your appearance through magics...which will then bring up the showracemenu.

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Like was said above, showracemenu exists. Someone just needs to create a workaround or fix or variant on the command so as to prevent character attributes getting screwed up after using it. If people want some kind of in-game feature that is immersion related (like the barber shop suggestion up above), then I think that's a cool idea but you need to create the basic function first. Then again, I have no idea how difficult this is as I don't know anything about why or how showracemenu causes these effects. I know it was a problem in Oblivion too, so it's too bad Bethesda let it persist in Skyrim.
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