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hanging a gobal value via item


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I'm trying to make my time scale and gobal changes mod work for consoles and existing saves without the command console but i've hit a wall i need some way in game to change the time scale global variable this is set on new game load or via the console with set timescale to xxx but obviouslu consoles cant use the dev console nore can unmodded survivalist so i need some way to change a global with a in game item, Ideally i'd also like to call a message box that would tell you the value of that global so you can check it at any time as well. Hell if I can get the former working i could build a system so people could customize their time scale. My default is 6, the game uses 20 but i'd love to let people sett it to 1 or 30 or what ever the hell they want.


Any thoughts?

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