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Disabling HDR / bloom


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The 'Imaginator' Mod (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/13049/?)

is as close as I got from what I've tried.

Turn the Contrast down on the main MCM menu and maybe also adjust brightness if you want

The HDR effect mellows out quite a lot without ruining the game scene too much at around -25 to -15 ish Contrast

(Tried to upload examples but they failed :( )

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The 'Imaginator' Mod (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/13049/?)

is as close as I got from what I've tried.

Turn the Contrast down on the main MCM menu and maybe also adjust brightness if you want

The HDR effect mellows out quite a lot without ruining the game scene too much at around -25 to -15 ish Contrast

(Tried to upload examples but they failed :sad: )


You can just use this mod. It even allows you to turn HDR/Bloom off and on in the MCM menu to see the before/after.

Edited by SkyrimMods987
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