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ATI Display Drivers Failure?


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Pretty much, I continuously Crash at various points throughout Skyrim. Currently at a shack in the middle of nowhere.


I have an ATI Radeon 6950 , And I know it's not a Graphically Error, as I tried the game on Ultra, Low , and it doesn't affect it.



In depth my game will freeze, Audio can still be heard until it Crashed to desktop, When it does I am informed that my Display driver has failed and Recovered.


I've tested other games and have not encountered the same problem as this.




Is anyone else having a problem similar to this?


Anyone know how to fix this? Or is it a wait until ATI Fix it problem?


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I have a 6670 card and it is freezing up with Display Driver has failed and recovered error messages.


I've watched the opening video, but haven't even made it through selecting a character. Tried 4 times, 4 system crashes.


Have tried at the lowest video settings. It makes no difference.


I'm using the ATI drivers released yesterday, 11/11/11.

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Interesting... I got the XFX HD 6770 running at 55 - 64 fps. I have no graphical errors or display lag but I do have horrible mouse lag (I tried the .ini fixes and they did absolutely nothing). Are you guys having a problem with the mouse lag as well? I made it up to the first room where you get your initial weapons and then decided it's unplayable.
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My card is the XFX HD 6670. No mouse lag, but then again, I haven't been able to play the game at all. Can't get through the character selection before getting a gray screen with vertical lines. Sometimes it will reset and I can get a bit further, then it comes back and hangs.
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Just attempted to run the game in 1280x720 window mode, all settings at their lowest.


Same end result.


Display driver amdkmdap has failed and recovered.


That happened 3 times and the game recovered and continued. On the 4th, it closed the Skyrim window.

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I reinstalled the latest AMD Catalyst on top of the older Microsoft drivers. Then I went in and played with some of the settings, moving a few from performance to mid-quality. And I slightly underclocked the GPU, from 800Mhz to 780Mhz.


Now the game works fine! Even at full 1920x1080 with 2AA.


I will continue to play with the settings to see what specifically is the problem.

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