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where do I store my stuff ???


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It's definitely 5000, I just bought it. And it's an absolute wreck inside until you decorate.

Does it take a lot of money to decorate it?


Just taken a look. It costs 1800 to fully decorate the house in Whiterun.

I'll have a video up soon and will stick it in here so people can have a look at the house both pre- and post- decoration.

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Cool thanks for the info guys!


About using companions as mules - I can only have one companion at a time, even if the companion is not following me (like leaving him or her at an inn to wait).


But if I dismiss him or her, would they still be carrying my junk if I come back later and 're-hire' them?


Thinking about having one companion just to mule all the books I collect :D


Would be awesome if there was a house upgrade like a library, with pre-fitted shelves for every book in the game. When you collect the book, you add it to your library and it takes its place in the shelves so once you collect all books your library is full. I guess it could work sort of like the bobble head display in your Fallout 3 house...

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"Would be awesome if there was a house upgrade like a library, with pre-fitted shelves for every book in the game. When you collect the book, you add it to your library and it takes its place in the shelves so once you collect all books your library is full. I guess it could work sort of like the bobble head display in your Fallout 3 house... "


There is.

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The house in Whitrun is 5000g to purchase. Then you get around 6 or 7 additions, the cheapest is around 250g and the most expensive is the Alchemists Table for 500g.


Well worth the price, now that I have some where to plonk my heavy-ass Dragon loot, and all my stolen items (I've still yet to join the Thieve's Guild).


The house looks totally rundown when you buy it, but after all the upgrades, it looks like a nice little cottage. It's no Rosethorn, but it's better than the Waterfront house. ;-)



@BestInSlot/DyingAtheist: Once upgraded you get a Bookshelf and a Weapon Rack (to the right of the fire upon entering).


Using the Bookshelf, you can store Books and Letters which will automatically store themselves quite neatly.


Using the Weapon Rack while you have a weapon equipped and readied will store that weapon on the Rack. Handy place for the Axe of Whiterun. ;-)

Edited by BrknSoul
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My solution so far for free storage is simple. At the moment I agree is not perfect, but.


As we know items put in containers that don't belong to you will go bye bye.


So far i have found a chest in the main hall of "The Companions" in Whiterun that has yet to make items disappear. Its to the left when you enter trough the west doors (as you enter from the front). So far i have put all manner of items, including those that i have steal, and they are all still there.


Sadly this solution has one annoying side effect. The chest won't separate different item types, there for all the item are in a alphabetical list (compare to Oblivion this list will load right away, even if there's a ton of items).


I have not bother to find other such chest and likes. My reasoning is that if its out of the way, and npcs don't use them in a regular bases then the items should be fine. If anything its a good start-point till you get a house or a mule companion (note companions have there own item burden)


NOTE: I don't know if this is recurrent or if the items may disappear in the future.

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Hmm if its anything like Oblivion i have the most epic urge to drop all my loot in my House, no matter what it is and see how high the pile gets. :biggrin: Edited by Thor.
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Got the first house now and upgraded it - very nice!


I really love the bookshelf! Its just too bad there is only one... I hope there is a house later with a lot more!!!


I didnt even notice the weapon rack! Ill have to check that out.

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