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Invisibility Spell?


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I'd also like to know this too. I set out with the idea of my character being a thief/assassin that uses Illusion magic to aid them, and so far the only Illusion spells I've got are one that makes people angry, one that makes them relax and one that makes my feet quieter. Not what I had in mind, although at least the last one is related to sneaking.
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Yep. There is one. The catch is that it seems you have to actually have the skill level and aptitude to use the spells before anybody will sell it.. Good luck finding it as loot, otherwise. No, I mean, seriously. It may have taken me hours, but I do believe I've found just about every spell from loot drops.
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yeah, I found a recipe for it, can remember what is was tho. lol.


Invis is pretty cool, looks more like the "chameleon" effect from Obz.


Tried it yesterday to backstab a dude, and once you stab, you turn visible again.


can't really see this being a benefit in combat.


works well for sneaking tho.

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