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Skyrim Fix random crash to desktop no error


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To all those getting crashes or freezes, be aware that installing mods, playing, then uninstalling mods, and then trying to play again with eh same character/ savegame, will result in crashes! Yes, uninstalling mods will screw up your savegame. Sorry, there is no fix.


This is something people really ought to know. When installing a new mod, and you want to use it with a character you have been playing with, then immediately make a BRAND NEW save. That means do not overwrite you previous save, make a totally new one. Then if things go wrong you can uninstall the mod, and play on the save before you installed that mod.


Alternative is to start a new character and really test if any mod is causing your game to crash, before you continue with your main save/ character. Modding is playing with fire, if you are not very careful. And many of you are not... And that even applies to only 10 mods.

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I start experience this kind of random crashes and game freezes. I use just a handful of mods (most them are just cosmetics no major game changes or anything).


My game crash very randomly in wilderness, almost never in towns.


It crashes once a night (for 5-6 hours game session is acceptable)But now I go outside of Windhelm and the game crash two times in row .


I will try some of the recommendation here and post any result later.


I don't have ffdshow codec now, so i can't try this out .


I will try lowering sound herz to 44.100/16bit (Win XP SP3 seems lack of details about sound driver sample rate and bit conversions)


I will try to lower down shadow FX to low. Will see what happens.

Thanks to all for the tips.


PS. By the way, I had the EXACT same random crashes (very rarely) with Fallout New Vegas. I believe that this is some kind deep conflicts and old errors that can't be purged from this , otherwise , great engine.I hope I am wrong.

Edited by costass
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Hi to all,


I'm willing to try the shadow settings too... can't hurt!


Only, in my French game settings, there doesn't seem to any line for shadows. Only line I can think of would be the last one on the right side of "advanced settings", right above FXAA - it merely says "quantity of..." without ever telling what exactly it's refering to.


I'd insert a pix if I could - can anyone please tell me where to look for the shadows settings?


Thanks a lot!

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@ xxAyraxx:


thanks a lot for replying!..


Well, okay... second box above FXAA is called "level of details" in French...


List goes, from top to bottom:


- quality of textures


- quality of blur


- level of details


- quantity of (God knows what?!..)


Unless the order is different in French than in English (can't think of a reason why it should be), that means "level of details" is shadow details?.. Honest, they could have made it a bit more clear ;0)


Can you confirm that?


Many thanks again for your help.


Cheers from Paris :0)

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I think it is "level of details..." because no other fits with it. The last is in my English-Version: "Decal Quality" and I think it's the same in French, but I don't know what it means either. :D


Sadly none of this helpfull tips in this topic help me with the crashes...

Does anyone knows an other solution?


Greetings from Germany ;)

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Thanks xxAyraxx, I'll try that though the French translation of this makes absolutely no sense...


As for "decal quality" (which in my game is "quantity"!..), I'd assume it's anything "sticking" momentarily in place, like blood splatter from wounds for instance. But I wouldn't bet on my hint, some other players surely have better understanding than me...


And I'm sorry I can't help about your crashes, I recently posted a topic asking help myself about this. And from what I gather, there can be like 100 different reasons for them. Only solution I found so far is disabling the last 20 mods or so I added, and re-load a save from 5 levels before... So far, it's been good for a couple of hours but I have no idea at all if this will last.


Good luck to you, some premium member will hopefully help you, they're usually very considerate.


Greetings from rainy Paris :smile:

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Mine is already set to LOW, and was working fine yesterday, but today it crashes before it even starts! I try to load a game, and it starts to load, then POOF, gone, and now I'm on the desktop, no error message. If I try a NEW game, it gets stuck on the loading screen. The only thing I'd done was delete mods, but not from the Skyrim folder -- I didn't delete ANYthing from there, only from the separate folder where I'd downloaded them.
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