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Book to give a perk / Enchantment effect


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This is possibly the first time I'm really stumped.
But I have seen a few mods that adds books that adds perks to the player when read,
but forgot which mods they were, so now I'm left with starting from scratch.

My google searches have lead to the need of scripting, but i don't know how to script.
My search lead me here: -Steam Community Forum-

But I can't figure out where or how to apply this in a practical use for a book.

Anyone with the know how, willing to tell me how this is done?
Or if you got a short amount of time, willing to make a simple .esp with just the book that adds a random existent perk
so I can look it over and learn how it works? (easier for me obviously :P )



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So you want this to level fast or for a special type of character like mage thief warrior?

IF i want to level fast or the like, all i gotta do is use this mod: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/14152/?

Leveler's Tower.


I want to be able to add perks (permanent bonuses independent of clothing with enchantments) when reading a book.


I just need a way to add them to the character, and books seems to be the easiest way.

If there is easier ways to do this, i'm all ears... or eyes as it where.


Currently looking at the button scripts that the leveler's Tower has in the Laboratory.

As a temp solution. - But WAY to cheaty.


I played around a bi last night and learned about how Leveled lists works in the form of distributing these.

So they will be given to the player at random instead of just buttons.


The only perk i got right now is one that increases enchantments by another 4 slots.

Cheaty, i know, but it's just a start and a test to see how to do this.

Not sure how to make perks give health bonus or health Regen bonus...


Maybe i should just use/make a custom standing stone? *shrugs*

(IF i can figure that out)

Edited by DonDidDon
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Then You will have to lean to script a lot and the game will become very bloated fast.


You could always change the perk tree and create something like Ordinator.

Already got Ordinator installed.

But not a single one of heir perks actually alters HEalth, Magicka or Stamina directly.

Guess i'll just leave the idea as just that, an idea...

Skyrim's system feels way to limited in this respect unless one starts to do mad amounts of scripting.

It's a shame really.



Well, thanks anyways...

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You can do this but first you will have to learn the basics and then to find solutions like the following:


use the scripts only when an action occurred and don't make them run all the time


think about creating quests that will grant you this enchantments one by one


then you should be able use your mod alongside any other mod basically


It's not that hard all you need is a little will and patience.


Good luck

Edited by redrakiton125
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Too easy. Make a new book in the CK, and in the Scripts section click Add, select [New Script] and name it something like BookPerkScript. It should extend ObjectReference.

Edit the script, paste this in:

Perk Property BookLearnedPerk auto

Event OnRead()
     If !Game.GetPlayer().HasPerk(BookLearnedPerk)

Then save. In the book window, double click the script. This will open the properties window, and in there, click BookLearnedPerk. On the right side there will be a drop down menu where you can select the perk you'd like to learn.

For every perk you want, make a new book. The script is now made, so you won't have to make it every time you want a book to give a different perk.
In the book window just click Add and find your script(in this example, BookPerkScript). Then fill in the BookLearnedPerk property as before, with whatever new perk you want it to give.

When you're done making your books, find places in the world that fit in with them thematically, like a Shield perk book being in a guards barracks or something.
Hopefully that helped.

EDIT: Script modified for lofgren's suggestion.

If you need different bonuses, as in perks that don't exist:


But not a single one of heir perks actually alters HEalth, Magicka or Stamina directly.


Then for this specific functionality, you could use the normal book function of giving the player spells, but instead of an actual spell, choose an ability you want.
This could be something like AbHighElfMagicka, which is what the base game uses to give the initial magicka bonus to High Elves. You would just need to duplicate that ability first and probably rename it, and duplicate its magic effect as well and put it in there, so you can use the book even if you were already a High Elf.
You could also make your own ability.

On the left side of the Book window there'll be a part that says Teaches with two radio buttons beside it that say Skill and Spell respectively. Choose Spell and in the drop down menu just below it choose the ability you want.

Edited by Fantafaust
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There is absolutely no reason this script would cause bloat and no need to make it any more complicated than fantafaust's example. Somebody is giving you bad information.


Although you may want to add a check to only add the perk if the player does not already have it, since adding a perk a second time will give the player another rank in that perk.

Edited by lofgren
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