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Anyone ignoring skyrim?



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  1. 1. Continuing to play Oblivion?

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i wil continue to play oblivion

i finally finished the main quest for once ( i usually tend to wander off because ti involves far too many oblivion gates and i dislike going in to the gates )

i still have the fighters guild to do

currently playing shivering isles

stil have a load of side quests to do

and when all thats sewn up

i have knights of the nine and the dlc's waiting

and after that ?

dozens of quest mods


by the time i have done all that new vegas ultimate edition is released and by the time i am done with that skyrim wil have dropped in price

and ill probably return to oblivion again and again and again regardless

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After I played Skyrim I just can't get back to Oblivion. Sure, with mods Oblivion is better, but it takes days of reading and learning to make it run the way I like it and I just don't have time for that. Skyrim gives me most of the things Oblivion mods do and as far as I'm concerned, I'm fine with that.
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i am playing oblivion with almost every graphics setting to rock bottom, or near rock bottom.

there is no way my computer will be able to handle skyrim


besides, oblivion has a very wide and generic "fantasy" feel, in a way morrowind also had for me. skyrim seems too "viking" and dragon oriented, and personally i dont find it very appealing. i also suspect the whole dragon-twist is nothing but a sellout to naggy fans wanting dragons present in the games (as opposed to simply being an extinct element of game lore)

i am dissapoint :I

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I'm with kiyasumeni. Well, my PC can handle skyrim but to a certain extend though. Not full specs. And Oblivion, I have not gone further than Bravil. So thats why I kept playing TESIV first. Another reason is, I'm waiting for more mods and Creation Kit to come.
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It's ironic, I can either afford to buy Skyrim, OR I can afford to buy a computer that will run it, so I'm sticking with Oblivion and spending the money on a Daedric script tattoo instead. Even if I have to figure out mod making, meshing, texturing etc so I can 'finish' setting it up the way I envision it. One day, ONE DAY, it will be complete and I can play it all the way through in a full-immersion game without having to stop and think 'that needs fixing'.
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It's not that I want to ignore Skyrim. I have declared my passion for Bethesda games many times before. But like so many others, the PC I have at the moment has no chance of making the game even slightly enjoyable! So why bother even installing it , never mind buying it! This game will in it's own time become a true classic like the previous episodes, I am sure of that! I think we all know secretly we will all be playing it a couple of years down the road! best Wishes Zapata935
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I am ignoring Skyrim for a number of reasons:


First: My laptop simply cannot run a game like Skyrim effectively. Although it is tenacious enough to handle a heavily modded oblivion on medium high.


Secondly: I cannot buy it on Xbox, because that cuts me off from modding the game and the quality is inferior to what it would be on a PC.


Thirdly: I cannot buy it on PC. I am too ideologically opposed to Steam, or any other medium that essentially takes over control and/or access to my own property that I paid for.


Fouth: From what I know of the game already, it actually sounds disappointing in many ways. In my opinion, Bethesda have done with Skyrim what Bioware did with Dragon Age 2, and that is to improve graphics and combat but take away complexity of gameplay. For example, the main attributes such as strength and intelligence are gone, birthsigns are gone, certain skills removed, the list goes on. I'm sure it looks amazing and plays well, but one shouldn't have to take away the RPG aspects of a game to achieve this. I fear that Skyrim seems too focused on action.


Oh yeah, and finally, I'm skint, broke, impecunious. So I couldn't buy it even if I wanted.


I suppose I should give skyrim a chance though; I don't like the idea of missing out. I might rent it from Blockbusters at least.

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I'm sure it looks amazing and plays well, but one shouldn't have to take away the RPG aspects of a game to achieve this. I fear that Skyrim seems too focused on action.


i aggree so much with this


it was my main sadzness concerning fallout 3 as well.

i was one of those waiting in tears for the "van buren", then tearing even more when it was cancelled, then being full of mixed feelings when fallout 3 was reinitiated, but turned into a typical shooter...

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I'm sticking with Oblivion for awhile for many reasons.


1: I never went to the Shivering Ilses

2: I recently added several big quest mods Epic Dungeons, The Lost Spires, Et In Arkay Ego, The Crimson Queen, The UnderDark Saga and others along with many big game mechanics mods such as BBC, OOO and MMM. Just started a new adventure. It might take 6-months to complete.

3: There's the Steam thing I have to get over

4: I've been following the post and it sounds like magic has been severly nerfed. Looks great, less filling. Hoping that by the time I'm ready we'll have a Midas Magic like mod available. I like BIG EPIC magic for that BIG EPIC archmage feeling.

5: Then there is the climate. Vilja says there's snow, more snow and ice. Sounds absolutely wonderful; I think I'll wait until summer to head north.

6: Finally there's my companions to consider Vilja, Viconia, Red Sonja, Mystina and Keleah the Succubus. It will be very hard to leave them behind.


Bottom line is my son says it's a good game play so I'll eventually get to it.

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Skyrim:System Requirements


Windows 7/Vista/XP PC (32 or 64 bit)

Quad-core Intel or AMD CPU processor

4GB System RAM

6GB free HDD space

DirectX 9.0c compatible NVIDIA or AMD ATI video card with 1GB of RAM: Nvidia GeForce GTX 260 or higher; ATI Radeon 4890 or higher

DirectX compatible sound card

Internet access for Steam activation



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