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Anyone ignoring skyrim?



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  1. 1. Continuing to play Oblivion?

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haha come on ppl, you really not gonna stop playing oblivion? Skyrim is by far more fun more beautifull graphic wise even without the texture mods EVERYTHING in it is awesome. If you dont wanna play then dont play but dont go into whining comparing Skyrim with Oblivion cause you cant make 2 of the exact games but only make it more pretty...nope.....you need to feel different things meet different ppl more choices etc...there is so many things in Skyrim that makes me forget alllllllll about Oblivion. Morrowind was the very first awesome TES for me and oblivion sucked compared to its prequel. With Skyrim its different Skyrim is superior and above Oblivion.


Graphics wise its really awesome to look at, no more misformed mutated faces like in Oblivion but really realistic races all together, its awesome but new laptops buy new pc's Dont say farewell to Oblivion just say "Cya later ppl" And come live in Skyrim for awhile you wont regret it!



since when are graphics more important then gameplay ?

oblivion has kept me entertained for 5 years and i am sure it will be able to do that for several years to come especially since i still have a lot of quests to do that are in the game

let alone all the mods and added downloadable quests

skyrim by comparison is at the moment quite barren in the content department purdy graphics only go so far

and even 5 years along oblivions til looks good as far as i am concerned

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since when are graphics more important then gameplay ?

oblivion has kept me entertained for 5 years and i am sure it will be able to do that for several years to come especially since i still have a lot of quests to do that are in the game

let alone all the mods and added downloadable quests

skyrim by comparison is at the moment quite barren in the content department purdy graphics only go so far

and even 5 years along oblivions til looks good as far as i am concerned


What you said. Gameplay > graphics, every time. I don't even bother with texture mods or any of the rest.

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Funny, I just read Brittainy's comment about Skyrim in her recent purchase and I from what I've seen from YouTube (mainly play-throughs) can see what she's getting at how empty (in a environmental way and AI way) Skyrim can be.



You're the first person I've heard say that :o So far everyone else seems to love Skyrim. I've been trying to give it a go, but I must admit I've been bored and underwhelmed so far. Not to mention sick of the sight of snow and pine trees. I realize I've always been biased towards a uniform look for my mods...but Jebus :S Most of the Skyrim map looks the same...and with the exception of the Northern Lights, there's no sense of beauty in it whatsoever. And arctic environments can be quite stunning in their own way...but none of that beauty has been captured in Skyrim at all. Doesn't help that quality-wise it looks older than Oblivion. *Sigh* I wish I'd saved my money and bought something else.



The new additions, though expanded much greater then Oblivion, (now I may seem to be nitpicking, but I only mean well as for future Elder Scrolls games or, possibly, add to the modders ocean of ideas to improve/change/add to Skyrim) are very shallow and lacking.


First to start with what I feel are the greatest and most noticeable improvements:


-Dungeon areas (are a lot more robust and not copy and pasted, feels very hand crafted, exciting rather than bothersome) (Mid-boss fights, proper puzzles)

- Character detail (No more Vaseline covered, stretched out and cartoon-like looks for the Vanilla base, actual skin textures rather than colors)

-Crafting (Expanded, actually useful)

-Water...actually looks like water

-No more bizarre way to level, much faster, and perks

-Interactive looking map, though small addition, makes it feel greater in scale

- Combat (shorter, to the point, and no more need for sword spam)

-Spell casting (Dual casting, and be able to do more with the spells, don't look all the same)

-Companion Guild....what more can I say




Now for what I felt was very disappointing:


-Marriage (It's a very small component and has no real addition to the game as not much has been done with it. You can only ask for food, 100 gold pieces a day, a bonus if you sleep with him/her, and another thing I can't remember. Mainly, I think it can really be expanded. To marry someone in Skyrim is like asking them out on a date rather than a journey of hardships and reasons for affection. Games like Mass Effect do romances well, and I'm sure the same could be implicated in a open world game.)

-Snow...(It's everywhere, and as much as I know for a fact it looks plenty of good, the fact the beauty and variation of environment of Cyrodil definitely beats Skyrim any day. You can tell me it's the North and it's suppose to be all cold and chilly, but if you go down South enough I am sure enough it will be warm enough for something other than pine trees to grow.)

-Creature/enemy variation ( this is more of a issue in both games which probably can be fixed/added with mods, as I do enjoy some variation. Adding Giants, Mammoth's and Dragons haven't quite done it for me)

-Companions ( Companions I always felt were lifeless. There has never been one as lively and genuinely real as the brilliant mod for Oblivion, Vilja. The fact she can die really gave an emotional feeling to me, and she was created by a gamer/modder. Bethesda can pull of story-telling, so why can't they make a believable companion? Another thing is they can't god damn jump. Why? WHY? How are they suppose to follow me? It's such a simple thing)


I am sure I can of more, but alas, I do not own the game, and my thoughts can only come from what I've seen. I probably will have more to say when I do play Skyrim, as no matter what, Elder Scrolls games are never boring, never something I don't want to return to. For now, I will of course stick to the vast mods created for Oblivion and play that instead.








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I'll be sticking with Oblivion because:


I've spent the last year obsessively modding Oblivion to get it how I want it.


It has almost everything I want in a game. (With mods, of course.)


Skyrim is underwhelming and ugly and dysfunctional in terms of graphics, gameplay and UI. (Bear in mind I'm comparing this to Vanilla Oblivion UI.)


Oblivion doesn't use Steam.


Oblivion looks infinitely better than Skyrim. (i.e. lush and green vs grey, dull and depressing.)


If it's a choice between fat Oblivion faces or gaunt Skyrim ones, I'll take the fat ones every time... :tongue:


In short, I love Oblivion -whether I'm comparing it to Skyrim or not. While I was hoping Skyrim might be a replacement, it turned out to be a dud. Therefore I'll keep modding Oblivion and playing it for likely quite a long time yet.

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I won't be getting Skyrim until the GOTY edition comes out if I even get it. I got a new computer in January that would run Oblivion really well so I bought Oblivion and Fallout 3. These should keep me busy for a really long time. I had a Steam account on my old computer and refuse to install Steam on my new one. I didn't buy anything or use the account anyway and I really hated the constant updating. I might buy Skyrim if the third party requirement is done away with in the future.


Anyway I don't buy games and especially Bethesda games at launch. I wait to see how people say they are (not reviewers) and let the kinks and bugs get worked out. The drop in price when I get around to looking at them helps a lot too.

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I'll be sticking with Oblivion because:


I've spent the last year obsessively modding Oblivion to get it how I want it.


It has almost everything I want in a game. (With mods, of course.)


Skyrim is underwhelming and ugly and dysfunctional in terms of graphics, gameplay and UI. (Bear in mind I'm comparing this to Vanilla Oblivion UI.)


Oblivion doesn't use Steam.


Oblivion looks infinitely better than Skyrim. (i.e. lush and green vs grey, dull and depressing.)


If it's a choice between fat Oblivion faces or gaunt Skyrim ones, I'll take the fat ones every time... :tongue:


In short, I love Oblivion -whether I'm comparing it to Skyrim or not. While I was hoping Skyrim might be a replacement, it turned out to be a dud. Therefore I'll keep modding Oblivion and playing it for likely quite a long time yet.


Pretty much the same for me. I felt the frozen tundra as cool as it can be is really boring. So many mechanics that they added don't work that well, and once again Oblivion can be modded to look almost on par with Skyrim.


I''ll still get Skyrim for it's questing, but I'll stick with the adventure I get in Oblivion. Hopefully, I can make my own Quest mod so people can continue enjoying the game.




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skyrim isnt really buggy...


Leaving aside the matter of personal opinions, Skyrim is at this point in time very buggy. Check out the technical support area on the official boards. There are an enormous number of complaints about missing dialog, unfinishable quests, vanishing NPCs, etc--most of it predicated upon some series of conditions that shouldn't cause problems, but do. (I'm not suggesting that you've experienced these, but a lot of people have.) I'm sure Bethsoft will get around to fixing most of this in the next few months, just as it has for Morrowind and Oblivion; and the slack will be taken up by modders, once again. But these problems are very real.

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Move on to skyrim? lats see. Never finished the main quest or any of the guild quests, have like 9,001 Mods I still want to install and play, have at least 3 mods I want to make and play threw. Don't like steam and don't really like nothing but snow yeah I don't think I'll ever move on to Skyrim. And even after I finish all I want to do in Oblivion I don't think I would move on you see Oblivion is my dream game (once I'm done moding it that is) and I don't really want to start over.


Although I must admit I would like to play Skyrim one day but in tall the bugs are mostly gone and steam is no longer needed I don't think I'll be seeing what its like.

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