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Skyrim vs Oblivion vs Morrowind



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The game engine of Skyrim, with everything else from Morrowind. Apart from Patrick Stewart and Shaun Bean, they need to be ropped in somehow. Oblivion and Skyrim both seem tiny, empty and dead compared to Morrowind, not to mention exceedingly dull once you hit the 50 hour mark... not to mention levelled lists. Levelled lists are devilspawn. Evil creations designed to make people kill themselves. Everyone who has played Morrowind will know why the content is superior, so I dont need to go into detail there really. I also dont have the time to fully explain how much better Morrowind is. But to address the Skyrim UI: I am not retarded. I realised in the first few minutes that the inventory menus are not consistently fluent with the mouse, so rather than using my right hand for the menus I use my left hand, the one that sits on WASD. Suddenly it works fine. Genius!
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Yeah this sadden me too , today's games suffer from this simplifying stuff aimed at causal players then a rest and in the end at true fans


For me it's Morrowind > Skyrim + Oblivion

and I think Skyrim is better then Oblivion in first 20-40 hours of playing ,

I really enjoyed all those "cool" new stuff like animation of fatal blows or new animation for spells and such

i must say that sneaking is also very nicely done, Time to tome it remained me old splinter cell and i started to scroll mouse to move slower/faster


then all of those cool looking stuff got old and i started to miss all that stuff that were cut out of the game (screwed inventory, no spell customization, simplified enchantments, being in guild feel more like doing some random side quest - i'm archmage, Listener, New Kodlak, Nightangle and i don't really get the feeling of either one of them, maybe only dark brotherhood Listener is not that bad because everyone else died )

Another thing is that game is unbalanced, i can kill dragon with one hit with dagger but as powerful mage i should be , i have no way to become good enough and get stronger spells so when it comes to decide to fight dragon with high amount of spells or one hit with dagger it's pretty much clear choice even though i'm breton mage with destruction/restoration/illusion 100 and alternation 80


I preferred getting better with learning more (leveling skills) then solely leave it up to where i put the perk while dmg will not get any bigger with my skills. Isn't it weird ? Why i'm able to cast master level spell even when i'm beginner and why i as master can't burn anyone with the flame-tower thing ? ..


I took pause from game, waiting for some revitalization from modding community or just to get rest of it and continue later on

Edited by whitemarty
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Morrowind > Skyrim > Cyrodiil



Man, I hated cyrodiil, I hate the empire, and HAVE hated it since Morrowind. Why in the world would I want to play in Imperial Central? Everyone was so cheerful, and lighthearted it was just sickening. In Morrowind, everyone hated you until you proved you were worth being called anything but Outlander or N'Wah. In Cyrodiil, everyone greets you with a firm hello. Boring.


Skyrim's a better game than Oblivion, by far. I miss Morrowind for the story, the continent, and the overall feel of the game. The only things I'm missing from Oblivion are common dealings with Daedra, and the Dark Brotherhood.

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Oblivion was absolute trash. The combat was floaty and enemies had massive amounts of HP that they would just heal up. The dungeons were boring and the only loot you could find in them was a few potions, with no unique items unless they were quest related. Only one voice actor for each sex of each race, and every town was the Rainbow Diversity Team with no real difference between the races (I guess this was to help hide how few voice actors there were). The only good thing Oblivion did was the faction quests, which were a lot better than the ones in Morrowind or Oblivion. That first rat quest for the fighter's guild was a funny corruption of an overplayed fantasy trope.


Morrowind was my favorite. It had a certain atmosphere that I just can't imagine any new Elder Scrolls game capturing. I don't just mean the setting, which was great. It's hard to explain, but it was a combination of no fast-travel, the way conversations were in text instead of voice acted, and the slow pace that made playing a more peaceful and less grating experience. I absolutely couldn't play Oblivion or Skyrim with the mod to disable NPC greetings.


Morrowind also had a lot of other things going for it. The UI was better, the scaling was better, and there was a lot of powerful unlevelled loot to make exploration fun and rewarding.


Skyrim was a huge step up from Oblivion and it was a relief to know that Oblivion was just a hiccup from a developer that normally makes great games. The combat is the best in TES series and the dungeon design is amazing as well. Magic is also now more than just colored projectiles. Unfortunately it has some problems that keep it from being as good as Morrowind. One of these problems is the way everything is voice acted, and many of the most verbose characters are also the most irritating.


Besides that, the level scaling. It certainly isn't as bad as it was in Oblivion, and I don't even think level scaling is necessarily a bad thing. In fact, I believe that it's necessary and that mods attempting to remove level scaling are misguided. It's just a little too aggressive, not in regards to the ways enemies level, which is fine and actually not that different from Morrowind. It's the loot scaling. High-level equipment is way too easy to find. At some point you start finding Daedric armor in every chest and it's a bit unrewarding to know that you got it because you got lucky on a RNG, not because you hunted to the ends of the earth to find it.

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Oblivion will always be my favourite. Flaws and all.


I never liked Morrowind that much and at this point in time I really don't like Skyrim at all. (Though, like with Morrowind, I am trying to make myself get into it.)


Same opinion applies if I look at the games in absolute Vanilla state. Though I do agree with Goliath978: I think part of it does depend what province of Tamriel you like. Cryodiil to me was glorious -lush, green, inviting. Morrowind was strange and depressing. Skyrim is forbidding, ugly and ultra depressing.


I think there's a game in there to suit everyone's taste. Mine is definitely geared towards what Oblivion offers. (And, in actuality, aside from landscape / hair and face / clothing-oriented mods, my Oblivion is very Vanilla in terms of levelling, UI and the like. So I'm not basing my adoration of it on mods that overhaul the game-play. I actually found Oblivion very playable in its raw state. I'm just anal about my visuals so I do mod them heavily.)

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I never played the old one. And Im not a hardcore RPG player,but for me ,skyrim seems to be much superficial,much console game,as i said , i don't spent to much time upgrading my character in Oblivion, but i missed that small part of the game,the character menu,And that's the RPG essence or not?
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I should clarify one thing regarding my post: I don't think Morrowind was a bad game by at all. Quite the opposite in fact. While it's not to my taste, I can still understand why a lot of people love it. It deserves a good reputation.


Skyrim, on the other hand, feels incredibly shallow and not only is it not to my taste but I don't think it's a 'great' game by any means.

Edited by Brittainy
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Skyrim, on the other hand, feels incredibly shallow and not only is it not to my taste but I don't think it's a 'great' game by any means.


Heh, i felt the same way about oblivion. I can only play modded oblivion with massive immersion changes. :thumbsup:


Skyrim on the other hand does have that unique feeling and kind of tension in the air like something really menacing is going to happen, but that's it, it just stays there, nothing happens. Also, people talk about how many choices you have in skyrim, but after 60 hours of gameplay i felt forced to do most things rather then i chose to do so. Also quests are very repetative. (these are just my few thoughts on the game and how i felt it, to be honest i think the game is overrated)


Which leaves me to morrowind which i find it to be a winner here simply because of its story, complexion, etc..

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Daggerfall ftw :dance:




For me, it's a toss-up between Morrowind and Skyrim... will have to play Skyrim more to really decide. But each game had its flaws and its achievements.


My least favorite was Oblivion just because I couldn't get over the broken leveling system, and I couldn't find a mod that fixed it to my taste.


Fortunately, in my opinion, Bethesda fixed the leveling system and knocked it out of the park with Skyrim. I absolutely adore the leveling and skill system. It's very natural and the perks are super fun.


I still miss the levitation spells and potions from Morrowind, and I think the Skyrim spell library could be expanded (it very well may be in the future, or with mods), but Skyrim has really caught my eye with the dungeon diversity. I nearly wet myself when I realized they brought back the Dwemer ruins.


The civil wars are pretty ballin' too, I gotta say. Storming Whiterun and slaughtering all those butthole guards was great.

Edited by Caracolito
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