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Is this actually the right place to ask for modding tips or requests?


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I see that most of the topics are completely ignored or when some do get replies they are more akin to affirmations such as "yeah that's a great idea I would love to see such and such".


Where should one ask a question regarding a specifc topic if you'd want to learn more about modding with the creation kit and knowing what is and what is not possible.


Because as it is now, with all due respect, I hardly see the use of this forum.

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Maybe because this is the mod request forum, not the mod HELP request forum? As such, you see a lot of people asking a variety of stuff, more or less reasonable, and if there's nobody interested (modders make mods for themselves in the end), then there's nobody to answer or bother, as it would probably be considered trolling to just leave random answers not pertinent to the OP's topic.


If you want help with making mods, best place to start is the wiki.


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I see that most of the topics are completely ignored or when some do get replies they are more akin to affirmations such as "yeah that's a great idea I would love to see such and such".


Where should one ask a question regarding a specifc topic if you'd want to learn more about modding with the creation kit and knowing what is and what is not possible.


Because as it is now, with all due respect, I hardly see the use of this forum.


I used to mod, way back, for Dawn Of War 2, which had a VERY helpful community forum from which I learned a lot. I was, apparently foolishly, hoping that this would be the same on the Nexus Forum, this presumably being a place where all sorts of modders gather. But yeah I guess times changed and we're all just forwarded to YouTube tutorials and wiki texts. Eitherway, thank you :smile:


That being said, is there actually a mod help request forum?

Edited by Z405
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I try to help as many people as I can on here. My knowledge is not extensive but the things that I do know I try to help people with when I see them asking for help. My knowledge is growing the more I tinker with stuff but right now I seem to have hit a wall as I can't find any tuts or text tuts that tell me how to get around the issue I'm having. But that's beside the point. I might not always have the answer, or the specific answer you're looking for, but I do always try to help when I can. So if you have a question to ask don't feel shy. I've posted asking for help several times and mostly haven't received any answers but that doesn't stop me from enjoying the forum and the community. Sometimes people just don't know how to help you, sometimes those that do are just busy, either with a mod or real life, and just don't see your question.

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Depends on which kind of help you mean. There's this help subforum specifically for help with mods. Then there's this subforum specifically for mod announcements and WIP threads.


As for the derth of "help" you find here, take another look around. There are several million users on this site and several hundred help topics get posted each day. Most of these are "HALP I can't tie my shoe" type threads in which the OP neither knows what their problem is, nor how to properly tell people the problem, and of course - not how to look for their own answers. No one has time to rehash the basics for ubern00b hundreds of times a day.


If on the other hand you want help creating a mod, then get started with it first and have something to show as proof of concept. No one has time to teach everyone how to open the F4KE and make a basic plugin file either but if you're midway in a project and need help with a particular script or action and can speak about what problem you're having clearly not in general terms: someone will help you.


Don't forget, you're one in several million not a thousand, not a hundred, while the number of people who can and are willing to help numbers probably less than one hundred at any given time. We're not even volunteers, we're other players with projects of our own and limited time and resources to give to the thousands of people who think they want to make a mod. Get the foundation laid out and the basic walls roughed out before you start harassing your neighbors because they haven't come out to help you with your barn raising.

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Contrary to what some people seem to think, Nexus actually supports a few more games than just the one you want help with, About 360 more games. Each game has it's own set of forums. And when the game turns out to be very popular in order to keep things organized, more forums can be added. Based on your query you expect every one of the several hundred daily FO4 posts to land in the same forum where help requests could easily be misconstrued as requests for a new mod to be made.


Are you asking how to install the mods or how to create your own mods?


The mod request forum is for requesting a mod that you would like to see in the game created by someone else. Often these are ignored as no one wants to create that mod. No one can force an author to create a mod just because they want it. And even suggesting such a thing will often get you told to make it yourself. For others, the request is just not possible or would take far too long or the mod authors that may be interested are already swamped with other projects and don't choose to take on another one right now.


Here is the link to all FO4 forums. https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?c=3485,3500


Which one you use is more related to what kind of question you have.

If you have never made mods before, this is not something you are going to just pick up and do. There is a steep learning curve to learning how to create mods.

Tess Alliance may be a better place to find actual tutorials for learning how to mod as that is what they do. :thumbsup: http://tesalliance.org/forums/


I don't think they have a full tutorial for the FO4 CK yet as it has not been out that long and tutorials do take time to create. But the Tutorial for Skyrim will cover most of it as a lot of the FO4 engine is based off of the older Skyrim and the even older FO3 engines.

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and, to be blunt, the people who are requesting mods vastly outnumber the people who know how to make mods. I can do some simple stuff. And I pick up any request I think that I can do. but that's not much. a lot of what people ask for is WAAY WAAY more complicated than entrance level joes like me can do.


Most of my mods use no scripts. I can't script my way out of a paper bag. but whenever I make a mod I try to make a video explaining how I made it. but it seems like an exercise in futility, because when I direct people to the toutorials, they don't try to make things themselves. that's the #1 way you make a mod is building it yourself. So make DIY'rs not whiners.

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and, to be blunt, the people who are requesting mods vastly outnumber the people who know how to make mods. I can do some simple stuff. And I pick up any request I think that I can do. but that's not much. a lot of what people ask for is WAAY WAAY more complicated than entrance level joes like me can do.


Most of my mods use no scripts. I can't script my way out of a paper bag. but whenever I make a mod I try to make a video explaining how I made it. but it seems like an exercise in futility, because when I direct people to the toutorials, they don't try to make things themselves. that's the #1 way you make a mod is building it yourself. So make DIY'rs not whiners.

You expect too much :P

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and, to be blunt, the people who are requesting mods vastly outnumber the people who know how to make mods. I can do some simple stuff. And I pick up any request I think that I can do. but that's not much. a lot of what people ask for is WAAY WAAY more complicated than entrance level joes like me can do.


Most of my mods use no scripts. I can't script my way out of a paper bag. but whenever I make a mod I try to make a video explaining how I made it. but it seems like an exercise in futility, because when I direct people to the toutorials, they don't try to make things themselves. that's the #1 way you make a mod is building it yourself. So make DIY'rs not whiners.

You expect too much :tongue:


Yeah. I know. But A guy can dream can't he :P

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