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Those Designs I hate in Skyrim


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I think the real problem here is that most of this should have been fixed before release


300 houres of gameplay.

And you complain it is not flawless?


Logic, there is none!


They fix what they want, the modders fix the rest. They gave us a good base to work on, to perfect it. Yeah, I really do not feel sorry for the outdated console players. I really don't, games are made on PC, so I play them on PC.

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x. Change the banter on Guards. After a while, I can't stand hearing "You smell like a wet dog!" and similar semi-offnsive things after saving the world 15 times over. Also the "Hail Sithis!" Guards are a bit creepy. And most of them are way too repetitive.


y. The horses. They are probably more agressive than dragons. They attack and die just about everything. They should run from dragon, not to dragon.


z. Some of the named dragons keep re-appearing. In my case, the one you kill at the beginning. He keeps reappearig every 5-6 days, giving no souls, on randomly random places. Sometimes he is invisible too. (I'm serious) Happened/happens on all my playtroughs.

Edited by elvinkun
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1. The combat interface is just godawful for switching gear and spells. As a result, I don't use magic at all in combat.


2. Crafting levels me way too fast. I'd like to see that toned down with respect to combat skills.


3. Companion pathfinding is so unpredictable that I spend half my time looking over my shoulder, just to be sure that my companion doesn't get hung up on some ankle high terrain piece.


4. Ownerless horses remain ownerless after I find them. I should be able to claim them and sell them to a stable.


5. Companions can't ride.

: You must think you're pretty cool making me run around after you while you're up on your high horse.

: Stop complaining. I offered to let you ride mine but you tried to kill it (ed. true story).

: *grunt* ... I didn't like the way it was eyeing my taffy treats.


6. Dragons killing important townsfolk like smithies. Seriously, civilians should be fleeing to their homes or the nearest inn rather than hanging around sightseeing, or worse yet, trying to attack the beasts.


7. The severe limitations on hotkeying. 1 - 8? Get real. This only means that I have to constantly pause the game to load up skills and gear as needed, which really disrupts the flow of combat.


8. Inventory interfaces are clunky as hell. Default sort by name means a lot of useless scrolling through lists, especially when it comes to potions. And selecting menu options with a mouse sometimes results in the wrong selections because the mouse pointer is actually registered as hovering over something other than where I think it is.

: Lydia, I think we should part company.

: OK, I'll go home now. Seeya back in Whiterun!.

: Wait! I didn't mean to say that! I meant,
I want to see what you're carrying!
Wait, WAIT ... !!


9. Can't craft multiples at the same time. I'm getting repetitive stress disorder from leveling alchemy, tanning hides and smelting ores. Should be able to set how many potions I want to create up front and have the option to craft all when it comes to tanning and smelting.


10. Can't force companions to equip specific gear and have to hope that what you give them is something they will use.

: Lydia! What happened to that steel mace and shield a crafted for you?!

: I prefer this nifty dwarven hammer. The color really brings out the highlights in my eyes.

: But I made those for you to keep you from getting knocked out of combat all the time.

: Well why did you give me this cool hammer then?

: To hold, Lydia. JUST to hold!




For a lesser game, the interface and hotkey issues alone would prevent me from playing. It's just such a headache trying to accomplish the simplest things at times. But damn, exploring the world is such a blast that it makes me forget how poorly some of the mechanics have been implemented. Thankfully, we have such dedicated modders who will eventually be able to address these shortcomings.

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