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Favorite Skyrim Moment As Of Now...


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My favorite Skyrim moment as of now, just happened. I couldn't help forget the smallest detail, so I'm going to share right now. :D.


I was on the road from Whiterun to Rivendale? Maybe, I forgot the exact name of the town... Anyways, I'm playing with my headphones, it's night time in game. I thought I heard something, and I did. It was a dragon. It was flying high above in the air. Just flying, and screaming. The music was SOOOO peaceful, and tranquil. The tone was soooo mystical. I just... kept watching it. The mood I was put into was... very emotional. I don't know why. But, anyways. After probably 5 minutes of just watching this magnificent beast, it dropped to the ground and started attacking Whiterun guards. It was an ice dragon, I guess you'd call it. Anyways, I decided to join the fight, and this was a very keen dragon, as it did not touch ground to attack, just hovered, and got off dragon shouts, here and there. It was attacking three or so guards. This happened for a few minutes, and then it flew off, probably like... 100 yards to a nearby mountain side, and dragon shouted something on the side of it. After that, if flew away off into the distance, being lost from view by the side of a snow capped mountain, with snowy clouds making it less visible. God... It was such a magnificent moment. Bethesda did an amazing job on those creatures. Every time I see why, I know why I love this game so much. It's truly a masterpiece.

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Gee mine are so boring.


I stumbled upon a bandit camp and they attacked me. After dispatching them I started going through their goods. Then I hear footsteps. I turn around just in time to see three more bandits come around an outcrop of rocks and they are not happy to find me there with their dead companions and looting their stuff.


Another moment was when I decided to accompany a traveler on the road who was off to join one of the factions. I figured two was better than one and he could help me. A bandit comes out of nowhere to rob me and we fight. My road buddy runs away screaming for help. It turns out he's a farmer. :rolleyes:


Another was finding a horse standing over the body of it's dead owner I supposed. It wasn't stealing to ride it so I hopped on for some exploration. I road the horse through some really rocky terrain and dense trees. I found a chest out in the wilderness and it contained a bow with fire affects. I turned around to get on my horse only to find out he had wandered off. The trees and rocks were too dense to see where he went. So I kept on on foot.

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The one that stands out for me is when I was coming out of a cave at night and I heard a roar. A dragon was flying above me, just circling and I watched it for a few minutes. I dunno if it didn't see me or not but it just flew off into the night, leaving me alone. I thought it was kinda cool.
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My favorite moment was literally this.....




Yea, I recorded that xD


In reality thou, I probably spend like 98% of the game just looking at the environment and having the music fit its atmosphere properly, it just gets me every time, and it's so beautiful.... the mountains and the fog engulfing the very

heavens of Skyrim.


At least the music doesn't change instantly when a wolf or mudcrab attacks you lol, ruin the bloody moment. Just imagine the upcoming mods, I mean, I still play Oblivion because of them.


My real favorite moment happens every damn second.....just looking at the mountains and Soule's perfect music.

Edited by F9zRazor
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Currently my favorite moment was after quick traveling to the wizards college, a random dragon spawned. I happened to arrive during the day so there were 7 or 8 wizards wandering around the courtyard. The dragon circled the college twice, landed on the wall nearby and just melted, looked like it hit some high voltage wiring by the amount of lightning bolts hitting it. It might of lasted 3 seconds. The nice part was after it was out of HP it still took off from the wall to die in midair and land where I could loot it. Nice coding there.
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My favorite moments were



The assassination of the final target in the dark brotherhood. You'll smile when you'll see it :)


Going through a uberly hard dungeon in reverse (from the end to the begging) because a quest marker told me to go through there. I tought that it was the place for my quest, but I ended up reloading F5 a lot and realizing that I went through there for nothing.

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Breaking in drelas's house steal all his sh*t. Couple days later bounty hunters suddenly attack me in riverwood, they also killed Sven and I was like wtf. Lootted the bodies, and the corpse had a letter from drelas. He knew I stole his stuff. Also a wow moment with the dragons to hear them shout in the distance
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