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Everything posted by ck213

  1. I took a long break from Skyrim while playing other games. Even then I kind of dabbled and never finished the main quest until recently. I decided the time had come to finally try out mods. I must say the immersion level has gone through the roof since installing the Better World Map, Immersive Hud, Frost Fall, Wet and Cold, Realistic Needs and Diseases, Airship--Dev Aveza, Conveinient Horses, Riverside Lodge, Vilja in Skyrim, and several others that have addressed annoyances and shortcomings with the vanilla game. I really liked Skyrim before, and I absolutely love it now. Thank you very much, modders. I hope Bethesda is taking notes.
  2. I've had other creatures run away once I started to weaken them, perhaps it extends to dragons too. I had a giant hide behind some thick trees. I was camped on a rock ledge where he couldn't get me. I had to jump off the ledge to draw him out because I couldn't see him and was wasting arrows. It was annoying, but it did feel like I had a foe who really cared about surviving a battle. I've had one dragon fly off before the fight was done, but not while I was close to them.
  3. I'm not patching this game until I've played through it once. As it looks from here, I'm really glad I haven't patched it. I can't say I've come across many issues anyway with the vanilla game.
  4. I was walking down a road with my companion in tow when three Storm Cloaks crossed the path. Next three Thalmor came out and they all started fighting. I was in shock at the randomness of it and jumped in too late to help the Storm Cloaks. They were wiped out. I exited and reloaded, but the event was random. Three imperials crossed the path this time with no incident to be had. They were just on patrol. However I did get the witness a random dragon resurrection. Partially anyway. It was cool but I didn't stay around to see it appear. After spying on the imperials I could hear the dragon's roar all down the valley. Of course his new life was cut short. This game just amazes me time and time again.
  5. I ran into him three times today. My response was: "Huh? Wut?" Each time to his ramblings.
  6. I'm just glad the humans look better. Although the male Nord I made would certainly win an ugly contest and I made him look much older than I intended. As for the Elves, I don't care for them, although I thought Oblivion elves looked odd too, but I guess I can live with it and mod them with whatever comes along. I suppose they have improved in diversity, but they all look a bit demonic to me. However, I really liked Jenassa. It wasn't her looks, but more her stalwart, yet sardonic personality. She made for an amusing companion. http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f116/cireking213/Oblivion/Skyrim/TESV2011-11-2518-24-27-08.jpg Unfortunately she was taken out by Drugar. The boss Durgar was a pain and had me trapped in a narrow corridor. I could only backpedal to avoid being killed, which only moved me further away while she was trapped in the throne room with three other Dugar. I survived, but she died leaving only one Drugar. I miss that Elf. http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f116/cireking213/Oblivion/Skyrim/TESV2011-11-2518-00-16-42.jpg
  7. It's not stopping me. The way I see it, I will appreciate the modder's work even more since I will know what the vanilla game is like. I'm not modding anything until I've played through the game once. This will also give the modders time to work their magic. I've have yet to mod Fallout either. I can do that after I've finished with my firs play-through of Skyrim, there should be some great well-tested mods ready when I return to Skyrim. I guess the first DLC will be ready too.
  8. Why do you need to have Steam running? Just create a shortcut on your desk top of the game exe in the programs folder. You can bypass the Steam Launcher.
  9. I remember that video. Walking peacefully among giants and wooly mammoths...right. It made me pause in this case where this one actually looked a little more civilized than the other giants. He came at me immediately http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f116/cireking213/Oblivion/Skyrim/TESV2011-11-1316-32-01-81.jpg http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f116/cireking213/Oblivion/Skyrim/TESV2011-11-1316-37-11-80.jpg Good to hear about them as allies. I certainly don't want them as enemies.
  10. I was expecting to be wowed and I was disappointed, but it's not end of the world terrible. I'm fine with the environments and lighting, for the most part, but why does clothing and skin look so horrible? I'm not bother about smeared looking rocks than I am by the characters. I think the weapons could look better too. http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f116/cireking213/Oblivion/Skyrim/TESV2011-11-1315-59-14-04.jpg And why do I have to trick the game into using Ambient Occlusion? Love the dark shadows on the side of his face. http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f116/cireking213/Oblivion/Skyrim/TESV2011-11-1221-02-38-11.jpg Overall, the graphics are not going to keep me from enjoying the game. Skin and clothing mods will be plentiful. I think I will probably just need a light beautification pack to spruce things up. However, the PC deserves better.
  11. Ever since I saw the vid on Youtube with the one hit kill/launching of a player's character by a giant, I pretty much swore off even mixing it up with them. It doesn't seem to be worth it. However, sometime you don't have much of a choice or curiosity gets the better of you. Take old Elric here. http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f116/cireking213/Oblivion/Skyrim/TESV2011-11-1314-32-27-28.jpg He's short, rather skinny, and wistful on misty mountain nights ablaze with the northern lights. http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f116/cireking213/Oblivion/Skyrim/TESV2011-11-1223-35-38-55.jpg We are hardly started in this game with no dragon shouts. We haven't even seen a dragon. I'm just mucking about around Whiterun. But today we are making the long haul to to Windhelm on a miscellaneous quest. Halfway there we spot this gent laid out on the road. http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f116/cireking213/Oblivion/Skyrim/TESV2011-11-1315-57-21-78.jpg http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f116/cireking213/Oblivion/Skyrim/TESV2011-11-1315-58-25-96.jpg OK, what's up? Something nasty must be about. http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f116/cireking213/Oblivion/Skyrim/TESV2011-11-1315-59-14-04.jpg Well nasty turned out to be this guy who I happen to stumble upon after I crossed the river and climbed the hill. He nearly bashed me while I struggled with my sneak to run keys. [Panic mode] This terrain turned out to be perfect for weakening this guy. Between this rock outcrop and the other one on the other side I could toast this guy with flame and leap off and run to the other rock. http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f116/cireking213/Oblivion/Skyrim/TESV2011-11-1316-30-31-84.jpg This giant isn't stupid. He took to hiding behind trees after being scorched and didn't come at me until I was out of arrows. But oh, this was so wonderful for raising my sneak skills. http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f116/cireking213/Oblivion/Skyrim/TESV2011-11-1316-23-11-91.jpg I don't have shouts, but I do have a battle cry. I used when he was really weak and I chased him down. Only I used it just a tad too early. Eventually it wore off and he nearly got me. The force of the blow knocked me into the river. Don't ask why I'm not dual wielding flame. I should have put the stupid sword away. I certainly didn't plan on going toe-to-toe with this thing. http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f116/cireking213/Oblivion/Skyrim/TESV2011-11-1316-32-39-73.jpg He was serious now. And so was I. Flame on. Water can't save you now. You're done for. What do you do with a giant's big toe anyway? Eh, it was a cool fight though, using the terrain to my advantage. http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f116/cireking213/Oblivion/Skyrim/TESV2011-11-1316-37-21-09.jpg I still don't know what it's like to go toe-to toe with a giant, but after a couple of close swipes, I still don't want to. I did join in and attack the first one I saw attacking Whiterun, but there were other people there to keep it distracted. Now to collect my spoils in the giant's camp. There are goodies in a chest, but the best was this cheese. Giants make the best cheese. Who knew? MMMMMMMmmmmm...and those leeks and roasted potatoes....nummy! http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f116/cireking213/Oblivion/Skyrim/TESV2011-11-1316-39-56-42.jpg
  12. I like the idea of Nord horses being more rugged and sturdy, but these horses seem a bit cartoonish, almost silly to me. Looks fat with too short legs. http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f116/cireking213/Oblivion/Skyrim/TESV2011-11-1217-22-24-60.jpg http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f116/cireking213/Oblivion/Skyrim/TESV2011-11-1217-29-34-66.jpg Perhaps Beth' saved their efforts for more detail to the rest of the game. I would like several horse breeds and fighting from horse back.
  13. I'm not crazy about mine. He looks so old. He's a Nord. http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f116/cireking213/Oblivion/Skyrim/TESV2011-11-1221-02-38-11.jpg http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f116/cireking213/Oblivion/Skyrim/TESV2011-11-1221-04-21-13.jpg
  14. Gee mine are so boring. I stumbled upon a bandit camp and they attacked me. After dispatching them I started going through their goods. Then I hear footsteps. I turn around just in time to see three more bandits come around an outcrop of rocks and they are not happy to find me there with their dead companions and looting their stuff. Another moment was when I decided to accompany a traveler on the road who was off to join one of the factions. I figured two was better than one and he could help me. A bandit comes out of nowhere to rob me and we fight. My road buddy runs away screaming for help. It turns out he's a farmer. :rolleyes: Another was finding a horse standing over the body of it's dead owner I supposed. It wasn't stealing to ride it so I hopped on for some exploration. I road the horse through some really rocky terrain and dense trees. I found a chest out in the wilderness and it contained a bow with fire affects. I turned around to get on my horse only to find out he had wandered off. The trees and rocks were too dense to see where he went. So I kept on on foot.
  15. I'm not sure if I had the same exact issue. I have an Nvidia card. When I would start up the game the open world is fine and smooth, but I would go inside a building and come out again and the outer world is lagging like crazy. I updated my video card drivers and the issue is now gone. Things are smooth inside and out.
  16. I think I will be getting the guide too, but after I've explored on my own for a bit I'd like to get it on PDF and use my soon to be Nook Tablet to use it. I had Oblivion's revised and extended version. Skyrim's looks just as huge without any expansion content. A searchable e-version should come in handy.
  17. One more notch in my "feeling better about it" belt. I had this annoying issue with Lag whenever I came out of a building and into the open world. A driver update from Nvidia seems to have fixed that. If that was truly the problem I may be able to turn up the settings I reduced while trying to fix that lag issue. It also proved that forcing the game to recognize Ambient Occlusion does make the game look better. Installing new drivers removed my little fix. The game looked a bit blah when I started it. Now I'm back to richness by forcing AO again. As far as playing the game, I'm really taking my time here. I approached a bandit camp without knowing they were bandits. After taking out the two who attacked me I started looting the place. Imagine my surprise to have 3 more catch me in the act of robbing them. :pirate:
  18. It seems natural to me. Oblivion fed Fallout. Fallout Fed Skyrim. All beneficial. Can't wait to see what Mods are available after I played through it once or twice. This game is going to have legs and travel far.
  19. My first impression was a bit odd. When I first entered the game, i was taken aback. The graphics looked horrible, even set on high. Shadows were pixilated and the texture quality looked like I was playing a console game. I didn't like that I couldn't map keys. Pausing the game to go to a UI just to change weapons takes you out of the game. It kills immersion. I learned about setting favorite weapons, but it still takes you out of the game. I wasn't excited about character animations either. Some looked rather clunky. Since then I have fixed my graphics and I learned how to activate Ambient Occlusion. The graphics look really nice now. I still wasn't sure if I liked Skyrim, Something is putting me off it and I think it's mainly because it is intended primarily for consoles out of the box. [EDIT] I saw a thread on how hot keys work. What a convoluted way to go about it. But heck, I'm glad I can set my weapons and magic now. I'm slowly dealing with my issues. But starting my first quest outside of Riverwood, I'm starting to warm up to the game. I'm really just walking around in wonder looking at things. http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f116/cireking213/Oblivion/Skyrim/TESV2011-11-1201-28-57-31.jpg I'm also stalking Aela, the huntress. :whistling: It doesn't look impressive from these pics, but the shadows created by the fire are awesome. Hmm...Aela doesn't look too impressed with me. :tongue: http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f116/cireking213/Oblivion/Skyrim/TESV2011-11-1201-16-57-82.jpg Other than Ambient Occlusion, I've only minimally tweaked the graphics. I've just edited the Ini for getting rid of mouse smoothing, Vsync, and changing the FOV. I'm about to dive in now and I'm starting to get excited about what lies ahead.
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