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Favorite Skyrim Moment As Of Now...


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Finding the lighthouse, completing the quest there, and as the sun rose and the clouds were all silvery-pink off the icy coastline, doing the extra step that you'd only know to do if you actually read one of the journals. It was a beautiful moment both visually and emotionally. Edited by Kerghan
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I love Skyrim. I don't mind a whole lot that it's buggy, and has some UI issues. Nothing small like that could be a game breaker for me. I play for the environment of the game, and the environment of Skyrim is amazing. It's very immersive, and I don't ever want to stop playing. Now, I'm gonna get back to gaming. :)
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My favourite moment in Skyrim,


and without including any spoilers, with exception to the actual event that took place, so be warned, happened when I was on a quest towards a certain town. I stopped in the local inn, picked up a few conversations and a quest to booth, rented a room and was about to get some rest when I got talking to an interesting person. I ended up in a drinking contest between this stranger.


After a few rounds of drinks, I win the drinking contest and end up getting plastered. Screen goes black, and after a few moments, I appear suddenly in a temple with a priest shouting at me for defiling her temple and causing a right mess. After cleaning the place up at her request, I discover that me and my drinking partner came into the temple and defiled it, possibly pissing all over the place and doing what drunks normally do out of their face. My drinking buddy however is nowhere to be seen...


So that was fine...


I proceeded to leave the temple, and once outside, to my shock and horror, I'm confronted with a strange scene. I'm not in the town anymore! I look around at all the strange scenery, check my map and discover that I've im at the complete opposite end of the town that I was originally in, miles and miles away!


Couldn't help but laugh. The Hangover Movie suddenly sprang to mind, and somehow I have a feeling that this specific quest/event was inspired by that, as I have no idea how I ended up in a City far far far far away from the town that I had some important business to do. So I've only got one lead to follow and try to attempt to retrace my steps, but all in all it just goes to show that the unexpected can suddenly spring up when you least expect it!

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Going North and after getting out of a Eight-forsaken dungeon infested with draugrs, battle-weary and not with some sense of triumph over the odds, I'm greeted by an awesome view of a full moon, a starry sky, the sea and aurora borealis.


Heroic throttle to the max, verily.

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I was riding down a road that goes through a field, and heard a dragon start roaring. I kept riding and scanning the sky for it, so I could turn around and advoid the fight if I started getting too close. I never saw it anywhere so I kept riding. Within the next second, the screen shakes and I get this giant dust cloud around my horse and I.


I hit sprint right as we're both engulfed in flames and get about 100 yards away from him, but then I start hearing an Orc yelling. I look back and there's an Orc farmer in the dragon's face, fist fighting him. No way I was gonna let him fight alone after seeing that, so I go back and start laying in with the axes. The dragon hits about 1/3 health and flies up to the mountain side and lands. I hear him breathing fire all over something there and assume he's done with us after that beating. He jumps up, comes flying back, and we get right back into the same routine.


Right as I'm about to apply the dual-axe power attack to finish him off, the bear and sabre cat he flew away to aggro showed up and 2-shotted me in the back. I hadn't saved in forever, but it was just too hilarious to get mad about.


Also, in my first dragon fight, where I got in his face and he went all Jurassic Park on my ass and threw me away as I died. Did not see that coming.

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Favorite moment so far:


I was sneaking around the ruins of Helgen and entered a room where two bandits were seated next to eachother at a long table. I snuck up and backstabbed one, and then with the speed of greased lightning backstabbed the other before they could even tellwhats going on. I stayed stealth and got an official backstab on both bandits.


And their bodies just stayed seated and slumped there on the chairs


It was awesome

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Skyrim has the best random events ever. I haven't ever played a game like this. Haha, a funny moment I had was when I was on the road to Riften. I was between Helgen, and Riften. And, about halfway, I'm confronted by a khajit. He says something along the lines of "I have some drugs for sale. Care to buy some?" I asked him what the officials would think of what he was doing... He then said I couldn't tell anyone, then tried to fist fight me. I got out my dual swords, and killed em'. He was sellin' me skooma, and moon sugar. I looted him of it. :D. Ah... Skyrim drug dealers. Gotta love em'.
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