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Favorite Skyrim Moment As Of Now...


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Not Epic, but surely WTF.


I entered a quest dungeon and could see my obvious target on the other side of a huge chasm on top of a tower.


There were a lot of movement, skeletons, mages etc so I load up my best arrows and start firing at the target rich environment, starting with the enemies moving around on the tower.


Sneak attack x2, Quest complete! Fireworks etc.. Huh, what?!?


Seems I lobbed a random arrow at someone on top of the tower I did not see who was the quest target...spent half and hour getting up there the regular way after that only to get a look at who I killed. He looked surprised.

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For me? it's a bit cliched, but climbing High Hrothgar for the first time and seeing just how enormous Skyrim's world is. I was absolutely blessed to catch Hrothgar on a rare clear day, at about sunset. I was on maxed-out graphics settings and frankly, I haven't had a "wow, that's BEAUTIFUL" moment since the first Crysis-the bit right near the begining where you climb the hill, go through the thick bushes, and come out at the top of the cliff above the first KPA base, near a saphire-blue ocean bay. That moment was just beautiful-it totaly killed my rambo mindset and turned me from specops Kill Em All mode, to sitting on the cliff watching the sunrise while drinking a coffee IRW and thinking about how far games had come.


Skyrim is enormous, and it's beautiful in so many ways, but it just... I dont know, the scenery just confronts you more than some other games. There's been a lot of pretty graphics since 2007(Cryis) and a fair few prettier than Vanilla Crysis 1, but Skyrim is the first game since then aside maybe from a few racing games where I happily sat down for a while and watched the scenery for the simple pleasure of enjoying a beautiful environment. And that's diferent too, racing games are about the appreciation of cars and motoring-if you don't spend atleast a few hours simply starring at a particular vehicle then there's something wrong with it. No, there's something special for me, about Skyrim, it's like they really put in an effort to make Skyrim a beautiful worldspace, and frankly, I think they totaly succeeded. Eldergleam's sanctuary(quest destination, find in Whiterun) in particular, aswell as the Sleeping Tree(along the road from Whiterun to Markarth), and DarkWater Pass(south of Riften, immense waterfall) are just stunning.

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a lot of moments i guess obviously ill just list the ones that stick in my memory the best


im just casually walking along and out of the sky out of fing nowhere a mudcrab comes flying out of the sky and lands in front of me.... wtf.. i dont even.. i look around a bit and way way far away see a giant fighting some mudcrabs.. lulz are had


At mage college for first time, very annoying alteration lady is fallowing me and wont shut the heck up, this is driving me insane!!, so i try to speed up to get away but i still hear her.. this has to end i think or i will go insane while im here.. then i notice there are no railings and we are on a very narrow passway right before the college and the drop is so far i cant even see the ground through the snow.. also alteration isnt my favorite magic.. im thinking meh i can probably live without advanced alteration spells, and even if shes unkillable there is no passway back up the mountains..decision time i think i got about 10 seconds to decide here do i do it?? one of those heat of the moment decisions, where time slows down and seconds feel like minutes as your weighing the pros and cons.. i guess what it feels like before you decide to rob a bank... so i finally decide... its go time! i sit by one side of the passway waiting for her to walk by, then FUUUSSS! haha that annoying female dog goes skidding off the passway down into the depths of a snowy oblivion.. LOLz were had, much lolz, and the college proprietor didnt seem upset at all she seemed relieved if anything.. haha anyway im sure she can just cast a protection spell on the way down shes probably fine...


need to travel to a new location so im walking along the trail picking some ingredients along the way, but i start running into wolves and bears and crap, so im really considering abandoning this venture and strategic withdrawing back to town, lo and behold here comes an imperial legion troop of 4 soldiers, "Praise the divines!" im thinking, so i fall in line with them walking along the trail, they easily dispatch a few creatures for me and i am getting free loot.. one time they grabbed the loot before i could take it.. lol didnt know they would loot bodies too, im not angry though they deserve some loot too!!, haha excellent!!... suddenly a random assassin attacks me from behind a bush while im trying to catch some butterflies, "holy crap!"..epic fight imperial legionaries save my butt again, epic loot is had. Continuing on we are ambushed by a group of nord rebels big fight, we win, so much loot, starting to get low on space, a few minutes later another nord rebel ambushes us another fight, still winning!!!! hahaha and then Continue now im starting to really bond with these guys im feeling like part of the unit now, like me and these guys will be getting drinks and talking about all the epic nord slaughtering we did. Now its night time things are getting dark but we continue i use my light spells to light the way for our troop. I see some strange blue lights in the woods, hold on guys im going to check this out.... i walk over.. ambushed by a very pissed off wizard!!!! holy crap big fight but we win again. So now im feeling like super man and these guys are walking exactly where i need to go, i think i got so lucky, ill probably follow these guys everywhere... but then just as morning is dawning and the sun is rising over the mountain trail we are heading up, so i cant see to clearly ahead of us due to the sun glare.... Ambush!! by probably 6-7 Nord rebels!!, holy crap!, im conjuring up attronarchs to help, im casting calming and fear spells on some of them to try to stop them temporarily,, and then when magic is low grab my shield and sword and get in the front line with the legionaries we are fighting hard, but one drops dead, then another, now its just three of us, the other two legionaries decide to run for it!!, shiiii , im running too, all three of us are running down the mountain trail from about 5 nords left alive, im trying to slow them down casting some familiars to distract them and occasional fear spell, im covering our retreat like a rear guard, finally only two or three nords are left chasing and i figure we can win now, so i cast courage on the fleeing legionaries and start casting alteration spell to heal them up, we reenter battle and start winning, but at the last moment nord reinforcements come down the road just in time to turn the battle, only me and one legionary left alive.. fighting for dear life, I try to run, but damn stamina is low... there catching up to me.. i get stricken down.... that was the first time i died ever in skyrim after playing about 20 hours.. i had avoided death till then......

Edited by algore01
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I once was being chased by a hard hitting Bandit leader. This guy was taking half my health on one hit, :blink:


Only thing I could do was run but he was hot on my tail. In front of me was a strong current River so decided to jump in. The current took me down a few ways and I got embedded on some rocks. Luckily it was out of Line of sight. The bandit leader stood over the rocks shouting where I was. He was patrolling back and forth looking for me. Eventually he gave up and left. :tongue:

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Burst into a room screaming, charged down and decapitated a Forsworn leader in a single hit. Then it turned bloody. Forsworn were all over me like a rash, and it soon resembled the 300 movie, where time slows every few minutes to show you the finishing moves. Barely got out alive of that one, but the epicness of fighting alone and surrounded had me hooked.
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I stumbled across a large group of bandits attacking a large group of forsworn, it was about 6v6. I joined in and it was a pretty epic 3 way battle, then a dragon shows up and everyone is fighting each other, me, and the dragon. Pure carnage. The dragon won. Edited by rawr22
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My moment


I was wanding along some road, companion in tow.

A dragon swooped down and knocked my companion off a cliff, I charged axe and sword both enchanted and kept hacking at the dragon.

Out of nowhere comes those 4 khjiit travellers that are on the roads, lending their swords. After a few seconds I hear some shouting "for the imperial legion"

Something like 8 imperial legion soldiers appeared and started hacking the dragon as well.


At the end I triggered a finishing move on the dragon, and got to watch as the small army killed it.

As a slight understatement....that dragon choose the wrong place to pick a fight, though sadly lydia my companion now lays impaled upon rocks at the bottom of some cliff :-(

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I foolishly tried to take out a giant with my level 12 2-handed warrior, which resulted in my usual run/shoot technique. In the process I somehow managed to aggro a total of 3 giants, 5 mammoths, and 2 mudcrabs. The entire time I was running for dear life, in a headless-chicken sort of way, there was a dragon circling above the chaos. I probably imagined it, but I swear I heard it laughing. What's the dragon shout "laugh" sound like anyway?
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It has to be the first time an elder dragon flew above me, I FUS RO DAHed at it, and somehow it got his attention... then the main theme kicked in... in my mind it was "HOLY HELL!"


The adrenaline was pumping, as though I've faced many dragons with my level 38 character, this elder dragon was a BEAST! Caught me unaware, was a completely random encounter. I weathered it down with my bow, switching to my shield as it blasted me with such damage I prayed my health would last the onslaught despite my shield elemental resistance perk. The music still kicking, making it a battle that will either be EPIC... or an EPIC FAIL!


After exhausting my arrows, only to have it crash down in style, the music still pumping, making me sprint towards my nemesis, only to be met with a fierce blast from his breath... I got up close and bashed him in the face. The music kept going, until the final killblow cutscene.


My only regret, was being unable to fraps the battle.

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