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getting marryed?


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hiya, I was wondering, do you have to have a house to get married? and im trying to marry these two argonians

■Scouts-Many-Marshes - Argonian, found in the Argonian Assemblage, in Windhelm. found him, but he dosnt have any quests to do so we could get close >.>

■Derkeethus - Argonian, found in Darkwater Pass. < cant find him....


can anybody help?

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hiya, I was wondering, do you have to have a house to get married? and im trying to marry these two argonians

■Scouts-Many-Marshes - Argonian, found in the Argonian Assemblage, in Windhelm. found him, but he dosnt have any quests to do so we could get close >.>

■Derkeethus - Argonian, found in Darkwater Pass. < cant find him....


can anybody help?


For Scouts-Many-Marshes: Just ask him about his work on the docks (basically just click all of the dialogue options) and he should tell you about low wages. Offer to help, get a guy to increase them, and then he will become marriable if you have the amulet.


For Derkeethus: If you follow the main road from Riften to WIndhelm, following the sign-posts you should reach a bit where there is a large steep decent down from the fall-forest Riften area in a low-lying basin like thing. The path down should take you next to a large set of waterfalls. About halfway down them is a cave, Darkwater pass. If you go through it (Which was pretty difficult at the low level I was when I went there) You will find him, get a quick quest to escort him out and he will become a potential follower/marriage option.


If your still having trouble finding the cave then it might be easier to find the nearby village (Darwater Crossing) which is right next to the waterfall and work your way from there.


You do not need to buy a house first. I didn't have one and the options were still there.


Hope that helps

Edited by EJ107
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hiya, I was wondering, do you have to have a house to get married? and im trying to marry these two argonians

■Scouts-Many-Marshes - Argonian, found in the Argonian Assemblage, in Windhelm. found him, but he dosnt have any quests to do so we could get close >.>

■Derkeethus - Argonian, found in Darkwater Pass. < cant find him....


can anybody help?


For Scouts-Many-Marshes: Just ask him about his work on the docks (basically just click all of the dialogue options) and he should tell you about low wages. Offer to help, get a guy to increase them, and then he will become marriable if you have the amulet.


For Derkeethus: If you follow the main road from Riften to WIndhelm, following the sign-posts you should reach a bit where there is a large steep decent down from the fall-forest Riften area in a low-lying basin like thing. The path down should take you next to a large set of waterfalls. About halfway down them is a cave, Darkwater pass. If you go through it (Which was pretty difficult at the low level I was when I went there) You will find him, get a quick quest to escort him out and he will become a potential follower/marriage option.


If your still having trouble finding the cave then it might be easier to find the nearby village (Darwater Crossing) which is right next to the waterfall and work your way from there.


You do not need to buy a house first. I didn't have one and the options were still there.


Hope that helps


the first one I will try....the second....I cleared it out already, and he wasnt there D:


Edit! found the other guy. I think i like the first more. but I cant seem to get him to talk about his wage....all his text options lead me back to the original options D:

Edited by ZainHallows
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