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New lands mod trailer - Beyond the Borders


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Looks nice .. for one person is amazing. I'd luv to help but all really good at is re-texturing existing things although have some weapons planning to bring in that got permission to convert from folks obj files, just gotta get the next release of 40K weapons done before post them. Be willing to discuss PM what help need

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WOW! Very impressive, Lonewarrior! So far sooooo good. :smile:


I am genuinely amazed that you navmashed such a large amount of worldspace. I have tried editing small sections of exterior worldspace and the CK is insufferably slow in these moments and I can't seem to get the job done. Bravo to your patience and/or being able to solve that issue.


The locations look convincing and very fitting within the style of the Commonwealth as we've come to expect so far. Great work.


Interiors look good, but perhaps the dust objects could be less dusty. I think you are using a lot of the most dim dust sphere objects, and this could cause performance problems for some players. Also having so much dust decreases visibility in these interior cells, which will have an effect on the player's impression of the environments you built. I might suggest using only a couple of dust objects, placed around light objects, and using lighting (or an absence thereof) as a way to obscure detail. Keep sections of the levels in the shadows etc.


Again, great work! Very cool mod indeed.

Edited by RaffTheSweetling
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Awesome work!


This will be part of the new world through fallout 4 shall grow.


I'm personally going to develop some locations and maybe quests to fill some of that space.


With your permission of course. :-)

Edited by erezike
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And yeah I think your right about the dust


I've been working on it nonstop since the creation kit was released and yeah the nav meshing has been a pain sometimes


The reason for keeping it on PC is because so far I can't find away to remove the map borders without using the ini file, which won't work on consoles


I'm also trying to keep it all lore friendly


Awesome work!


This will be part of the new world through fallout 4 shall grow.


I'm personally going to develop some locations and maybe quests to fill some of that space.


With your permission of course. :-)


I'm currently doing the north which will be the first release in the autumn time followers by the west and then the south of the map, I'll probably leave the eastern sea alone as the sea gets buggy outside of the borders


But I can easily work around any areas you have edited outside the borders

Edited by thelonewarrior
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I can only wonder what great things would be accomplished if DDprod put that energy towards something useful instead of all this constant negativity which is getting reeeaaally boring. We get it, DD, you are pissed off, but seriously, it's getting old, mate.

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