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why Bethesda scare to put Co-op in there games?


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It would be awesome. I really hope the multiplayer Oblivion mod that was for Oblivion (it barely worked, for those who don't know) comes back for Skyrim and works better with more support. Even if it's not online and just focused on LAN, it would easily be one of the best game ever created.


(Also, learn grammar. It's difficult to understand what you're saying. Unless English is a second + tongue, there's no reason to make reading harder than it has to be.)

Edited by vertex23
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-_- stay on topic if you can't read then you have problems understand English.


Very poor, misspelled and un-punctuated English, you mean.



Not everyone is going to be perfect in English Struct sentence! if you care soo much about that then you have problem reading english in different type of format. you have brain. start using it more ok. stop trying to be this guy ok lol






Yes your Being Troll worry about Grammar over simple thinking


Actually, that reply sounds more like trolling than anything I've said.


And the language has different formats now? When did this happen, and which format are you using?


-_- no point talking 2. Oh look here report button *click*

Edited by jazneo
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It would be awesome. I really hope the multiplayer Oblivion mod that was for Oblivion (it barely worked, for those who don't know) comes back for Skyrim and works better with more support. Even if it's not online and just focused on LAN, it would easily be one of the best game ever created.


(Also, learn grammar. It's difficult to understand what you're saying. Unless English is a second + tongue, there's no reason to make reading harder than it has to be.)


it not hard to read i can read it it fine. he just being nit picking because he not his way. i can understand any type english format without any problem it just this people have problems lol




let stay on topic.

Edited by jazneo
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Want co-op? go play borderlands or an mmo lol....i prefer elder scrolls to be single player...and they always will be <3



so you perfer to use a Crappy AI Companions over a Real life person help you out in battle?


They're not all that crappy. There are some very good companion mods available, some of which are still being improved.

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sometimes i get very annoyed at people for doing stupid things although it is fun playing online with friends...i still like to keep to myself and play a single player game, i enjoy the alone time and immersion...hard to do that with tons of other people running around that are real people to
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Want co-op? go play borderlands or an mmo lol....i prefer elder scrolls to be single player...and they always will be <3



so you perfer to use a Crappy AI Companions over a Real life person help you out in battle?


I was t talking about Companions that all ready in the game. the first Companions i had just died on me after ice Toll hit with one hit

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sometimes i get very annoyed at people for doing stupid things although it is fun playing online with friends...i still like to keep to myself and play a single player game, i enjoy the alone time and immersion...hard to do that with tons of other people running around that are real people to


then you play single player only. but it no good reason not to add co-op in game when they can. it just show there worry if there game has any online feature there worry about nerd rage get mad at somthing stupid

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