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Issues with Skyrim books


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When I find a book lying about, I'm able to open it and read it, but I can't add it to my inventory afterward by using "E" as instructed; I can only let it return to where it was laying by pressing "TAB".


Am I doing something wrong, or is this another of those interface issues I've been hearing about?

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Having the same problem here. Am suspicious that custom control mapping is to blame.



There is scant information so far on this bug that I could find. (Someone more determined could probably find more I think.)

a temporary fix is to re-bind the 'use' button back to 'E' if you changed it. I haven't tested this yet but it seems to make sense as I remapped the 'use' function to MB3 myself.

Edited by WhiskeySanchez
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I have had this happen as well. Also seems to be an issue when adding weapons to your favorites list. It seems when you bind a key to a mouse button, it carries it over to some places in the game but not others. I finally got frustrated enough that I put all the key bindings back to default as that was the only way I could get it to work.
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Ok. had a chance to test the temporary solution I mentioned earlier and this is the best I have come up with.


SOLUTION: If you have rebound the 'use' function to a mouse button, rebind it to any keyboard button and use that button instead of the 'E' button to take the book you are currently reading.

Hopefully this issue will be addressed soon in a patch.

Edited by WhiskeySanchez
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Having the same issue. can't take books, journals, or notes that are laying around. If they are in a dead characters inventory I can take it though. If I revert back to the standard default actions I can then take books, like Whiskey Sanchez has said up above.


Not sure about Herculine's mod he linked above. Not really interested in it since it changes a lot of stuff I'm not having an issue with. Plus it doesn't even show anything about the issue at hand which is looting books.

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Yes, I think this is a bug with remapping keys. One solution I stumbled upon is using an xbox controller if you have one. Press the take key on your controller and it should work. Or, as others have said, try using the default bindings.
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  • 2 months later...
Another solution is to pick up the book using the key you remapped the use function to. For example, I switched the "e" and "space" keys so it would be the same as Oblivion, which I still play. To pick up books lying on the floor in Skyrim, at the prompt to press "e", I hit "space" instead and the book is added to my inventory.
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