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the "death is highly overrated!" bandit


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On one of my random encounters outside of windhelm a group of bandits spawned, after dealt with most of them I found a bandit ducking behind the rock and crying "Death is highly overrated!" as I approach...

I wanted to captured it with fraps but the group never spawns when I reload any previous saves.

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I saw a bandit captain fall from the sky to his death, out of nowhere. Seems like that Fallout bug is still in.

Nope, that is not a bug. If you poked around a bit more you would find the friendly fellow who gave that bandit his bird's eye view of the land. (Hint: he won't be short either)

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I think it a random setting to change the game plays for I been trying differant charaters out and at the same places differant times things changed a little now for the other guy falling could have been drop by a dragon or a giant was playing golf :rolleyes:
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