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A bug in an Esbern quest?


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What does TCL do?

I ask in case it can be used elsewhere in the game.


hi AleCuneo, the in-game console ('~') toggle command 'TCL' simply turns collision with any mesh in the game world (clipping, noclip) on or off.

With TCL toggled active you can move through walls, doors, fly in the air and move underground, nothing will stop you.

Be sure you do not have your follower selected while the console is active using this command, they'll sink into the ground if you accidently use TCL while their ref ID is selected lol.

Toggle TCL off by launching console again and entering TCL - its best if your character is slightly above the ground before you do this.

You can read about most of the console commands here:



Kwando suggested using TCL because you can pass thru the locked door and engage Esbern directly in conversation to move the quest along.

Glad you finally got Esbern's voice files fixed.

You may have somekind of [Archive] issue with the game finding other archives specified in SKYRIM.INI, check yours, the default should look something like this:



sResourceArchiveList=Skyrim - Misc.bsa, Skyrim - Shaders.bsa, Skyrim - Textures.bsa, Skyrim - Interface.bsa, Skyrim - Animations.bsa, Skyrim - Meshes.bsa, Skyrim - Sounds.bsa, HighResTexturePack01.bsa, HighResTexturePack02.bsa

sResourceArchiveList2=Skyrim - Voices.bsa, Skyrim - VoicesExtra.bsa

Edited by xlcr
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My Skyrim_default.ini looks exacly like that except that it is missing these 2 entries:

HighResTexturePack01.bsa, HighResTexturePack02.bsa



How do I start "slightly above the ground"?

Also, I would like to see what happens with a follower. I take it that no harm will be done if I reload the previous save afterwards?

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The problem with suggesting TCL is it doesn't actually solve the problem, which is Esbern's speech. The fix I linked will make Esbern speak once more, and fixes all other problems related with Esbern. Edited by BrknSoul
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hi alecuneo, tcl is handy to have available, i've never needed it for anytime skyrim related.

skyrim has been designed to insure player access to everything necessary - no TCL cheating required,

dragon shout whirlwind sprint is needed in some cases to reach certain planted items which

makes up for the lack of oblivion style acrobatic/athletic jumping skills i guess.


to be clear, don't use TCL to bypass or navigate past game obstacles to complete a quest, you'll break the game.


what i meant about being 'slightly above ground level' is after your finished using TCL, before you toggle it back to normal,

be sure your character isn't inside a wall, buried in the ground, or really high in the air doh lol.

when you toggle TCL back to normal game physics gravity takes over and your character will fall (hopefully gently) back on the ground whatever.


fyi, tell your follower to wait (or they'll go nuts trying to follow you) and try TCL if you never have, its safe enough,

point your mouse toward the sky/ceiling and move your character forward using your directional keys, you'll see what i mean.

you'll have unrestricted free movement in the game's 3D cell space whoopee..


HighResTexturePack01.bsa and HighResTexturePack02.bsa are the optional high resolution texture pack DLC from Bethesda,

if you didn't get it then you won't have these listed in your skyrim.ini.


Nazeem and Sheogorath are the only x-dressers i've run into in Skyrim, well maybe Belethor's assistant Sigurd..

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