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Skyrim gender poll



235 members have voted

  1. 1. Character gender in Oblivion

    • I play as a female
    • I play as a male
    • I mostly play as a female
    • I mostly play as a male
    • Both genders
    • I don't play Oblivion
  2. 2. Character gender in Skryim

    • I play as a female
    • I play as a male
    • I mostly play as a female
    • I mostly play as a male
    • Both genders
    • I don't play Skryim
  3. 3. Why do you play as a male in Skyrim and not as a female?(I'm just curious)

    • Becouse of the location/weather/climate(snow, mountains, cold)
    • Becouse Skyrim looks more dangerous
    • It feels like the right thing to do
    • I always played as a male, no other reason
    • I wanted something different this time
    • I don't

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I'm making this poll to compare if anything has changed since Oblivion, considering how different these games are. Oblivion with it's fancy green world and blue sky, while Skyrim is quite the opposite. So I'm thinking if Oblivion inspired people to play as a female(you know, long walks on Anvil's beautiful beach, beautiful green forrests, tons of female mods, etc.), mayby Skyrim will have a different kind of influence. It looks a lot more rough than Oblivion, not to mention way more dangerous. So, go ahead and vote and let's see what results we come up with. :smile:
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um....why didn't you not include morrowind as an option?! anyways...i play BOTH male and female genders in all rpg's, i never payed much attention to why should i cause of how the game is....i play both because i like to play as both lol....
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Well, I tought about adding Morrowind to the list, but what I realy wanted was to have a poll only with these last two games of the series.
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I know, I play Morrowind to, every now and then, it's my favourite of all so far(still need to play Skyrim :biggrin:). I wanted a Oblivion vs Skyrim poll, for the reasons I mentioned in my first post.
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I've always played as a female (even though I am a guy) simply because I mean, that is what I will be looking at for the next 300 hours of gameplay. Also, it's great eyecandy, and generally, (especially for mods) the armor looks a lot cooler and badass compared to the male, at least in my honest opinion.


I don't know if in Skyrim gender make's a difference, as I have yet to start/buy the game, but I cannot wait to play as a normal looking female (compared to Oblivion's vanilla textures.)

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I'll play as anything with a pulse, and as often as not, without a pulse aswell.


Here, female Nord. For me there's an element of humor to that-frankly from the Nord's I've seen so far, Nord women seem far "manlier" than the men of most other races and species-they chop timber, wear vests, drink ale, and have substantialy upper-arms. For me though, it's not something that I really have ever felt much stigma over, I know some people could never play as a gender other than their own, but for me, that's half the fun. Video games, I love for their ability to step outside yourself, and if you're going to step out a litte, why not step out a lot?


I've had probably about 50-50-ish balance between gender, but it's not something I always think about when I create a character. I have "planned" and "unplanned" characters, planned as in I had a think about who I wanted to be, unplanned were what I thought up when I saw the options. Here, my character is unplanned-I'd initialy wanted to play as an Elf mage of some sort a la Oblivion, but when I realise how ugly Skyrim Elves are, I just started playing with the options, and soon had a pretty but cold looking, celtic-themed Nord female. It all just spiraled on from there, celtic theme, blue tattoos, it all feels... right and intuitive.


I will say though I tend to evolve my characters as I play them-I've had a strong, female dragonslayer/monster hunter/paladin type character called Signi throughout all the ES games, so it eventualy came to pass that by the time I came charging out of Helgen wearing that *** of an arrogant Imperial lady's duds, that I was now the 500 year old Dovakhiin Signi, and that Skyrim was going to sort itself out, or feel a Dwarven boot up the backside. What Im saying is, sometimes I feel a flow, much like I do when I'm writing, in character generation, and when that happens, sometimes my planned ideas fall away and are replaced by something else-in this case a temperamental, somehow ancient Nord paladin.


And Rubik-you won't be disapointed, they're a little stylised, but they're plenty human looking... the human ones anyway, and they look like they could go through a doorway sideways now too, which is an innovation.


'Never did understand how Double-Mellons users maneuvered their characters around, surely they'd just flop over, unless the 'mellons in question are air-filled, raising another question about how they can wear spikey chestplates, dear me but you wouldn't want them to pop, that would be so awefully messy... :teehee:

Edited by Vindekarr
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Races look way better than in Oblivion and that's a fact! I believe I red somewhere that you can even resize the body, make it more muscular or more skinny, something like that. That's a big plus in my book.


@Vindekarr: Yeah, nord women are tough. I saw a picture with a blacksmith and guess what, the blacksmith was a woman. That's cool.

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