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Remove Strong's Dislike of Power Armor and Lockpicking


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Everytime I have stated a new game I have had to deal with my obsessive need to acquire as many companion perks as possible. This process would be long and painful enough but is made worse due to one companion in particular - Strong.


For the life of me I cannot come up with a genuinely good reason to befriend the oaf. He/she/it likes good deeds but is otherwise a dumb, bloodthirsty barbarian who talks about eating people and smashing stuff. The Berserk perk is also pretty useless for anyone relying on ranged weaponry.


I tend to keep him/her/it at The Castle where I believe my armed militia and automated defenses can keep him/her/it out of trouble. But whenever I stop by to repair some power armor and pick up supplies the great lummox gets a big frown on its green mug of a face and I get points deducted as I get in and out of my power armor suit.


Don't even get me started on his/her/its apparent dislike of lock-picking. It is an almost physical pain whenever I have to walk past a locked safe just because I am spending time adventuring with Strong.


So while I know this is a process some here have had to do three times, I hope that for my third play-through I don't have to deal with this garbage. So, is anyone yet able to make it so Strong is not such a pain in our collective asses to deal with?

Edited by CyrusAmell
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