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NPC killed by a Dragon :(


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Don't know why they love this place so much.



I lost two important NPC in a Dragon Attack.


First is the blacksmith who tech you about smiting thing in Riverwood. (This is a big loss because he also a gear merchant.)


Second is the Elf who teching Archery skill in Riverwood too.

(It's shame that a valuable NPC die by a Dragon attack, but a stupid NPC like chick or dog still alive.)


Is there anyway to revive them? Or I need to wait for mod?

Edited by YoyoTanya
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go up to their body, open the console (with the Tilde (" ~ ") key), click on the body, then type "resurrect" without the quotation marks. That will bring the character back to life
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hahaha, it sucks when they kill important NPCs, never happened to me untill my first elder dragon, fortunately it was night at dawnstar so the only casualties were all the guards, who fortunately respawn... I think.


They do respawn.


I'm glad they killed your crooked blacksmith and dirty elf friend. I hope you suffer for all time with their loss.

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Hahaha, it sucks when they kill important NPCs, never happened to me untill my first elder dragon, fortunately it was night at dawnstar so the only casualties were all the guards, who fortunately respawn... I think.


They do respawn.


I'm glad they killed your crooked blacksmith and dirty elf friend. I hope you suffer for all time with their loss.


I killed the mage trainer in whiterun and he has never respawn. How did it happen well I thought I killed all of the witnesses from an earlier random encounter but I guess it bugged out on me. So when i walked into dragonreach everyone argo'd and I slaughtered them all. Awhile after that I finally understood that sheathing my weapons would get a guard to come and stop the fight. I did not restart the game because I want to live with the mistakes I make during my first run through, also that random encounter(thief stole a bow from the hunter) happened a day ago.

Edited by aguliondew
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