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Skyrim Crashes on Journal/Settings Menu (ESC Key)


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When I load up Skyrim, all is well...until in game..no matter what cell I'm in..When I open my Journal/Save menu the game crashes to desktop. I've ran loot a million times, ran the FNIS tool when appropriate, and optimized my load order. Nothing I do seems to work...I even downloaded a few CTD patches to check if that worked...one at a time of course.


I just want to play my game.


PC Specs:



Dell Inspiron 2007

RAM 4gb

x64 Windows 10

Intel Core i3- CPU is 2.3Ghz

Memory- 154gb / 453gb used



Load Order:








Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch

Schlongs of Skyrim - Core Files.esm

Skyrim Borders Disabled

Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - Main

HDT High Heel

Campfire (Frostfall's little brother)

RS Children

Molag Bal's Inferno


High Res Texture Pack DLC


Unofficial High Res Patch (Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch)


Cutting Room Floor

SkyUI 5

Forces New Idles In Skyrim (FNIS)

Immersive Citizens- AI Overhaul


Racemenu Plugin

Schlongs of Skyrim.esp

Schlongs of Skyrim add on

dD Realistic Ragdolls and Force

Elemental Staves (Texture replacer for Staves)

KTA Blade of Woe (Texture replacer)

Static Mesh Improvement Mod

Unique Uniques (Texture replacer for unique items)

Interesting NPCs (new NPCs)

Purity (Pseudo Enb)

Skyrim Immersive Creatures

Skyrim Immersive Creatures- DLC2

Hothtrooper's Armour compilation Immersive Armours

Holidays (Wet and Cold add on- Standalone)

Inconsequential NPCs

Gwelda Armor Pack

Forces New Idles In Skyrim Spells Add on

Ultimate Assortment (New items)

Followers Dynamic Dialogue

Inigo (Follower)

Cloaks of Skyrim

Skyrim Mesh Improvement Mod Farmhouse Flickering Fix

Winter is Coming Cloaks

Winter is Coming Cloaks Patch for Cloaks of Skyrim compatibility

Hothtrooper Armour Ecksstra

Run For Your Lives

Immersive Fallen Trees

The Paarthurnax Ultimatum

Wet and Cold

Wet and Cold Ashes

Immersive Beds

XPSE Maximum Skeleton

Schlongs of Skyrim Racemenu Add-on

Serana Dialogue Edit

Better Vampires Fangs and Eyes Serana and Family

Freckle Mania

Battlemage Armour

KJ Tattoos

Neithteam warpaint

BS the Hag Overlays

BS the Hag Warpaints

Ethereal Elven Overhaul

12 Female Brows

KS Hairdos HDT standalone

The Coenaculi UNP tattoos

Tribunal Robes

When Vampires Attack

Tembtra Theif Armour

Sotteta Necromancer Outfit

Merta Assassin Armour

zzjay Skyrim Attire

Demon Hunter Armour

zzjay Armour Mashups

West Wind Assault


Brokefoot's UNP mashup

RS Children Non playable Override

Patch- Inconsequential NPCs- RS kids


VS Archeress Dress

SR Freckles

Linds Spell Thief Robes

Hearthfire Multiple Adoptions

Racemenu Overlays Plugin

Beards (Replacer/Addons)

Cliffside Cottage

Arvak Replacer (Dawnguard Rewritten)

EC Clothes

Light Blades Armour

Wheels of Lull

TKMN More adoptable children

RS CHildren Complete

Cute Babette

Interesting NPCs Alternate locations

Immersive Citizens

Magic of the Magne Ge

Bluthanch (PC home)

Dwemertech Magic of the Dwarves

Meeko replacer

Khajiit Child Maisha

Emfy Cleric Robe

West Wind Misfit Robes

Daedra of Coldharbour

Interesting NPCs Patch RS kids

Eyes of Aber

Alternate Start- Live another life











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If your problem is not mod related,

  • Verify gamecache
  • If above doesn't work, backup your ini files if you have modified them and delete the files. Skyrim.ini / SkyrimCustom.ini / SkyrimPrefs.ini found in C:\Users\Utilisateur\Documents\My Games\Skyrim then use your vanilla launcher to autodetect and use best settings for your computer.
  • There are no clean save in Skyrim but using save script cleaner if you have uninstalled mods at mid game, (don't do that) can help removing orphan scripts.
  • If above doesn't work on the last save, try on a previous one, and so on.
  • Is skse correctly installed and did you make any modifications of the skse.ini ? My SKSE.INI






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Update: The issue seems to be with scripts- either too many at once or a really heavy one showing up about 30 seconds into the game no matter what the action.


A lot of mods are using the MCM menu now a days and that seems to be another issue- one too many mcm menus to load.


Thank you to Darstyler for helping me, you are the best. Verifying my gamecache and fixing those issues it brought up helped a little but didn't solve the problem. I fixed my ini and that didn't do anything. I keep using new game saves to test this using the Alternate Start mod. And my SKSE is installed properly, and I didn't touch that ini.


I've narrowed down the mods I'm using to the ones I REALLY want to use or try out. And this was hard enough.

And even with the narrowing down and reinstalling less script heavy versions (cough cough SOS) it is still crashing about thirty seconds to a minute in game. I'm still narrowing down mods until I catch that awful buggy one. Once I've found the solution I'll leave it here for those wondering what to do to help their PC.


I would also like to ask- Before my PC crashed and burned due to my father playing with tech he's not used to without my permission (He's not allowed to touch my PC now...and before you ask- I'm a young adult living at home because the economy is trash and I'm saving for a car...Skyrim and Skyrim modding is my guilty pleasure.) I had a script that compiled the errors in papyrus after a CTD (crash to desktop) and I haven't been able to find it again. Any help with that? :) Thanks in advance.

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Thanks for your kind words, always appreciated. Ok now the problem (s), first papyrus log won't help much debugging CTDs, but I've explained how to enable them below.
Your installation seems messed, I advise you the following if you don't want to lose your time :

  • First thing, your specs are far from a N.A.S.A computer, don't ask too much. Decrease drastically resources demanding mods such as ENB, Hi rez things, heavy scripted mods, Flora / grass mods, additional NPCs mods, etc... In this situation, ALWAYS work thinking about performance and stability. If not, nothing that I can say will work.
  • Uninstall / reinstall skyrim properly : S.T.E.P guide
  • Lower the number of your mods as said above, make wise choices to be sure your game will run smooth and stable. DON'T install all the mods and start a new game. Rather few of them, the one you absolutely want and make sure these are stable, compatible and up to date. Don't use old and unsupported versions. Then increase the mods slowly.
  • Don't use any previous saves from other playthru, this is not a good idea.
  • Don't uninstall mods at mid-game, even with save script cleaner, some scripts can remain active and lead to unstability.
  • Clean your master files to eliminate potential problems.: Gopher's videos cleaning your masterfiles on the Nexus Tesedit page. First make a backup of the esm files you're going to modify...
    Start Tes5edit, simply untick everything, (right-click/select none) and add only a tick to the esm/esp you want to check + update.esm, Tesedit knows what to do and will load all the dependencies automatically.
    - Begin with loading only Skyrim + update, ITM / UDR + save ctrl +s and close.
    - Then load Skyrim + update + Dawnguard, ITM / UDR + ctrl +s and close.
    - Then load Skyrim + update + Hearthfire, ITM / UDR + ctrl +s and close.
    - Then load Skyrim + update + Dragonborn, ITM / UDR + ctrl +s and close.
  • DON'T clean your mods using the method above untill you know what you're doing or an author has specifically told you to do so, (don't lesson to friends saying "it's ok go ahead", if you don't want to experiment some heavy bugs at mid-game like in this topic, (read my two firsts posts)) Always reload the plugin in Tesedit after cleaning and check errors to be sure...
  • Use recommanded settings for your hardware to work properly : backup your ini files and delete the files. Skyrim.ini / SkyrimCustom.ini / SkyrimPrefs.ini found in C:\Users\Utilisateur\Documents\My Games\Skyrim then use your vanilla launcher to autodetect and use best settings for your computer. Some of the skyrim.ini [papyrus] settings can have very bad effects on the way the game handle scripts. There are some old topics on the web, poorly documented, that invite people to do such modifications, and others, like this one that say the contrary. I tend to believe in what is good for stability and safety. Read also this one, very informative.
  • Enabling Papyrus logging : open your C:\Users\Utilisateur\Documents\My Games\Skyrim\skyrim.ini find the [Papyrus] section and ensure these values are set to 1 instead of 0.


  • Have you installed the skse patch or SSME ? (don't install both...) C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Skyrim\Data\SKSE\SKSE.ini adding theses lines under [Memory]
  • Load order : Use L.O.O.T once and click on the "sort plugins buttons". Then use the method below to enlight the conflicting entries of your load order and masks the rest. LOOT doesn't show that. With 113 mods, the results. This will help you to refine your load order.
    Load all your mods with Tes5edit and use the (right-click in the left pane) apply filter to show conflict losers.
    - Wait till Tes5edit has finished. Caution : don't try to modify anything while using this filter, it's not intended for.
    In the left pane, Expand the subsections and examine conflicts.
    - Once an entry is expanded to the bottom and selected, the right pane shows which mods modify the entry. The last one on the right is the last loaded, that the game will listen, (conflict winner).
  • Create a merged patch with Tesedit
  • Create a wryebash patch

I know all of this is time consuming but consider playing with skyrim as a complex task. Don't think you can just use your mod manager and simply install mods without any consequence. Skyrim is not intended to work like that. So even if you follow the guide above, don't play too long, 2-4 hours max, then restart Windows. Use this guide to understand how to optimize your operating system to spare memory and resources, follow eventually the link to install ENBOOST..

Good luck

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Thanks for your kind words, always appreciated. Ok now the problem (s), first papyrus log won't help much debugging CTDs, but I've explained how to enable them below.

Your installation seems messed, I advise you the following if you don't want to lose your time :

  • First thing, your specs are far from a N.A.S.A computer, don't ask too much. Decrease drastically resources demanding mods such as ENB, Hi rez things, heavy scripted mods, Flora / grass mods, additional NPCs mods, etc... In this situation, ALWAYS work thinking about performance and stability. If not, nothing that I can say will work.


So, so true. I feel like I'm playing on a potato alarm clock turned pseudo PC. When I saw this I nearly fell out of my seat with laughter.


I do fully intend to build my own PC when I have the cash.


Thank you for all of your help- it is greatly appreciated. It is clear you've been at this longer than I have and I am humbled to say the least.


Update: I'm wiping clean my Skyrim so it has just skse and I'm going to slowly build my game back up. Hopefully I'll be able to strike a balance of what I want and what I can actually do. (Purity is the bomb fyi, if you haven't seen the mod before, check it out!!) I had this balance before I just forgot what mods I had and the load order. >.>

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  • 6 years later...

lol I had this problem took me some hours but I figured it out . The solution is to do a search in skyrim se. Type in Journal and delete it. Also I cleaned up the error stuff in the process. You definitely do not have to reinstall and start over lol. raid the damn bugs. You know fast raid kills bugs.

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