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LOD Generation Help

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Hi All,

I've been working on a large landmass mod, an island, and have been trying to generate the LOD for inside it. It has been frustratingly difficult, due to making when progress past one bug, and another two cropping in its place.

  • Initially I had an issue where I could only generate purple land, but no water or distant objects would appear.
  • Then I managed to get distant objects to appear, but not the land.
  • Then I managed to generate something like land, something resembling a Jackson Pollock painting, and no objects.
  • Now I've managed to generate purple land, most of the objects, and of those objects half are also purple...

So I've had a lot of problems.

I've been using programs outside of the creation kit such as Oscape, and as I get further away from using the creation kit things seem to be moving in the right direction (if not only increasing in their complexity). So I can only assume that the problem lies therein.

I've come to the point now, where it looks like I need to turn to people smarter than myself to fix it. So the question and the point of this post is. If I where to upload the mod, would someone be able to have a look and see if they fare any better than me?

If you would be so kind I would like to point out that the Mod is only a 3rd complete, and I understand the LOD will need to be generated again at the end. At the moment I would just like to know that the work I have done has not been to waste.

Thanks and please let me know how I can get in touch if you're able to help.



Edited by MajLagSpike
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Hi All,[/size]


I've been working on a large landmass mod, an island, and have been trying to generate the LOD for inside it. It has been frustratingly difficult, due to making when progress past one bug, and another two cropping in its place.

  • Initially I had an issue where I could only generate purple land, but no water or distant objects would appear.
  • Then I managed to get distant objects to appear, but not the land.
  • Then I managed to generate something like land, something resembling a Jackson Pollock painting, and no objects.
  • Now I've managed to generate purple land, most of the objects, and of those objects half are also purple...
So I've had a lot of problems.


I've been using programs outside of the creation kit such as Oscape, and as I get further away from using the creation kit things seem to be moving in the right direction (if not only increasing in their complexity). So I can only assume that the problem lies therein.


I've come to the point now, where it looks like I need to turn to people smarter than myself to fix it. So the question and the point of this post is. If I where to upload the mod, would someone be able to have a look and see if they fare any better than me?



If you would be so kind I would like to point out that the Mod is only a 3rd complete, and I understand the LOD will need to be generated again at the end. At the moment I would just like to know that the work I have done has not been to waste.


Thanks and please let me know how I can get in touch if you're able to help.




Check the other forum where you posted this same question.

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You haven't generated your terrain LOD. Terrain needs to be generated as well as object LOD. Use Oscape.

Alex J. explains terrain lod generation quite well. Ignore the object generation part as that's now covered by Tes5LodGen.

Edit: I also want you to delete all the generated LOD before. Start with a clean slate.
Meshes > Terrain > Yourworldspacename >

You'll find the CK generated land and object lod here for your world. Delete those and start fresh.
CK lod generation is a mess. I've generated 14+ worlds using my method and it's always reliable. Edited by Di0nysys
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